Chapter Nineteen

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Tiffany's POV:

When we get back to the beach my lips feel swollen, but honestly I don't care. I've waited too long for this moment, the moment where I'm not just wanted because the guy wants me for sex. If Kyle says he likes me, then maybe he truly does. Even though I was rejected once by him, but maybe that was for a reason. 

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pause in my step, answering the call from Lucy- my boss. 

"Hey Lucy!" I greet.

"Hey Tiffany. I was wondering if you do a shift for me tomorrow." 

"Yes. Of course. What time is my shift?" I ask her. Kyle looks at me questionably, I just give him a small smile.

"Oh that's wonderful. Your shift is at nine. I also have your roster sorted out for you, I thought I might tell you about that before I forget. I should have called you yesterday but something came up, but as soon as I saw the post it note I left on my desk I remembered. I'll talk to you and go through the roster with you tomorrow, as well." 

"Okay, thank you Lucy. I really appreciate this. I promise I won't let you down." I tell her, still grinning. 

"I hope you won't." She says teasingly. "Okay, I better let you go. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thank you again. See you tomorrow." 

Pressing the red end button on the call, turning to Kyle who still looks confused.

"Shift? What shift?" He asks me, then I explain to him.

"I asked Lucy for my job back. I needed to keep my mind off things and working helps. I really like working there and plus I could do with the extra cash." 

"You know if you wanted anything you could have just asked me or Tyler or even Sky." He tells me and I shake my head.

"No Kyle. I hate taking money off people. Especially when you gave me a phone that cost a fortune. My savings back home doesn't even add up to that much, I-" 

"Tiff, it's fine. You need your phone. It's safer if you have a phone on you at all times." Kyle says, taking my hand in his. 

I can't help but feel like what he said has a double meaning to it. But I'm not going to ask about it.

"Okay. But that doesn't meant that I can't pay you back, because I am going to... eventually." 

"I don't want the money back and I'm not going to fight with you about it." He tells me with a small smile of his own. "Come on, I'm sure the others will be wondering where we are." 

Kyle was right. As soon as we got back the guys questioned where we were, Kyle explained that we were getting drinks with Sky, who still isn't back by the way. 

"So where's Sky? Shouldn't she have come back with you?" Tyler asks us and Kyle shakes his head.

"Not necessarily. Anyways, we're going head back now." 

"You seem to be happy Tiffany, what happened while you guys were gone?" Callum asks me and my eyes widen.


"I asked her to be my girlfriend." Kyle says, my head turns soo fast. I didn't think we were actually going to tell them. "They would've figured it out sooner or later." He explains to me quietly.

"What he said." I say quietly. I feel Kyle's arm snake around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"It's about time Ky." Callum says with a grin. "Now shoo, go have some fun." 

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