Chapter Fourteen

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Tiffany's POV:

"Little-T. Would you like to go on a date with me?" Tyler asks me with a genuine smile.

Uhhh- I don't know what to do? Should I say yes? Or no? I do like him, but is it more than friends. I mean we just kissed- and what about the so called date he asked me to go on with Aaron?

I'm frustrated but I don't show it. I think quick and come up with an answer. I smile and nod.

"Is that a yes?" Tyler asks me with an adorable smile.

How could I ever say no to that adorable smi- wait, wait, wait. I can't be making a serious decision based on adorable features like his smile, can I? Oh but it's only a date, a date to figure out if this is the right decision for the both of us.

"Yes Tyler, I'll go on a date with you." I say, leaning forward and lightly touching his lips with mine. I pull back too soon, but I know this isn't the place to be making out.

His smile stays on his lips as he rolls off of me and lies on the floor beside me.

"Uh- what's going on in here?" Says a grumpy sounding voice. So the devil returns.

"None of your damn business." I snap. I figure that was the wrong move to make cause Kyle just glares at me.

"So you lying on the floor with a chocolate mess in the kitchen of my house, is none of my business." He says with an annoyed look. "Now I will ask you again, what's going on in here?" 

"Well it's none of your damn business Kyle. Have you not forgotten who pays the bills every month? Who's the oldest of this household? And who actually cleans and cooks around here?" Tyler says with a smug look on his face. He is now sitting up and looking right at Kyle. "Me, Kyle. I pay the bills every month. I'm the oldest of this household. And I'm the one who cooks and cleans around here. So really it's my house, you're just living here for the time being until you can get your own place."

Ouch- Can someone say burn?

"Right. I still live here. So I would like to kno-"

A ringtone starts ringing throughout the house and Tyler's quick to jump to his feet and run for the phone.

"Hello?... Yes, this is he... Right now?... Okay, we'll get on it. Thank you for informing me... Okay, bye." Tyler hangs up and looks to Kyle. "We got to go, right now."

"What? What's happening?" Kyle asks now looking concerned.

"Just hurry up." Tyler snaps and quickly runs off, to the office I suppose and then Kyle soon hurries out the room.

Tyler pops in the kitchen once more, leaving a kiss on my lips and then whispers, "I'll see you later, okay?"

He puts his hand on my cheek, caressing it for a few seconds. I nod with a small smile.

"Don't leave the house, okay?" He tells me in a more concerned tone, I nod not saying anything. "Tiffany, you have to promise me."

"I promise. I won't leave the house." I tell him. Something must be wrong for him to tell me to stay in the house. "I'll see you later." I tell him, pecking his lips and pushing him back and into the hallway.

I see a flash of brown hair walk past the stairs, but I already know it's Kyle. Tyler walks to the front door, where Kyle is already. I wave to Tyler as he locks the door behind him, and I just head upstairs to my room.

Well I feel a little dazed out. From the kiss and now to the date. I guess I do admit I am excited. Tyler is an amazing guy and he has everything I want in a guy. At least this date isn't a set up.

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