Chapter Seven

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To the side Callum >>>>>>>>>>>


Tiffany's POV: 

"Tyler!! I did it! I did it!" I yell as Tyler sits on the bench reading a book. He looks up and smiles as he see's a bubble made of water floating in the air. "Can you believe it? I thought this was impossible but apparently the Elementaret can do it." I say in a cheerful tone and he shakes his head,

"The Elementaret. Element-art-et, it's a tongue twister, but you'll get it right eventually." He says going back to his book.

"Element-art-et. Element-artet. Elementaret." I say practicing the word on the top of my tongue, it is a tongue twister. 

"What's going on here?" I groan at hearing his voice, although I knew he was coming down soon. 

"What do you think Conaway?" 

"Well from what I can see you're doing more talking than training. I bet you can't even lift the water yet." He says sternly, I roll my eyes.

"I've been out here for at least five hours straight and you think I can't lift the water, you're actually doubting I can do it. What are we betting on Conaway?"

"Hmm, let's see... I'll give you money to go shopping with."

"You have a deal." I smirk walking towards the pond and starting.

I concentrate on the water, focusing on it lifting. Tyler taught me that. As I start to focus a small amount of water from the pond lifts up starting to shape into a large bubble, like a balloon. As soon as it reaches five inches up in the air, I hold my hands up to stop it from moving. 

I turn my head over my shoulder to see Kyle looking impressed.

"Hm, doubting me now Conaway?" I say with a smirk, he just rolls his eyes.

"Little-T you have really improved. Now how about that reward I was telling you about earlier?" Tyler asks and I smile,

"Sure thing Ty." I say dropping the water back into the pond, some water splashes on Kyle, making me giggle. Then I go to Tyler who is already standing and I put my arm around his and start to walk back to the house.

"Tyler." Kyle grinds out and glares at his brother.

"Go, I'll meet you in the house. Sandwiches are in the fridge." He tells me and I nod and turn to Kyle with a glare,

"I don't know what crawled up your ass and died, but a little advice... lighten up a bit. You're a jerk and now your a total ass to your brother who did nothing wrong. Jeez, no wonder why you don't have a girlfriend." 

Tyler looks amused and Kyle just looks damn right pissed off. With that I walk off leaving the two guys staring after me. 

"Tiff, mind your own business. You know nothing about me or anything to do with our family. Just go." Kyle yells after me, I laugh coldly at that.

"On my way Conaway. On my way." I yell over my shoulder and run in the house. 

I grab a pizza sandwich from the fridge and then I head for the door. Kyle wants to be an ass let him, I'm not sticking around to watch him make a fool of himself. I take an angry bite out of my sandwich which makes me pause and take in the deliciousness of the sandwich. This food can turn me from angry to happy within a second. I let out a breath and continue for the front door. As soon as I'm out front I take in what the house looks like and the number, just in case I forget how to get back, then I take off to some place I can be away from Kyle and his bipolar behaviour.

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