Chapter Eleven

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Tiffany's POV: 

I look myself in the mirror to see if I'm presentable for working in an ice cream parlour. I put on a navy blue skirt with white birds on it and a white long sleeve shirt. Putting on a navy triangle shape necklace to match. 

I guess you could say I may have over dressed. But I like this outfit and I'm sure Lucy wouldn't mind, either way she didn't really give me a dress code. I put on a pair of black ballet flats on as well to complete the look. I leave my hair in there soft waves and put it up in a high pony tail. 

I smile with satisfaction, I put some money in my pocket, some money that Tyler told me to spend if I ever needed it. I then head down stairs and I can finally smell the delicious scent of breakfast Tyler is making. The last few days my nose has been blocked since I was sick but now I think I'm in heaven. 

"Tyler?" I call as I walk in the kitchen only to be surprised to find Kyle cooking pancakes.

"Kyle actually." 

He's back. And so is the awkward tension from yesterday. 

"Right." I say taking a seat at the breakfast bar. "Where's Ty?"

"Are you really?" He asks the same time I ask where Tyler was.

"What?" I ask with confusion. 

"A virgin. Are you really a virg-"

"Oh look at that. I have to go, I have this thing I have to get to." I say quickly hopping off the stool, feeling my face heat up from the question and rushing out the door only to be stopped by Kyle himself.

"No you don't." He says and I groan.

"I do. Ask Lucy yourself. Now if you excuse me." I snap, walking around him in a hurry.

Jeez. Did he really have to ask me that... again? And why does he want to know. It's soo obvious he heard the conversation between me and Tyler so why would he ask me again. 

The last thing I heard before the door slammed behind me was Tyler calling for Kyle.

It's too early to go to work since the shop doesn't open until ten. I decide to go to a cafe to get something to eat since Kyle decided to ask me... well if I'm a virgin, which by the way he already knows the answer. I don't know why he would want to know in the first place. 

Now if I went up to him and ask him, 'Are you a virgin?', his response would most properly be mind your own business. Typical Kyle Conaway. Well than again I haven't asked him, so I wouldn't know if he would be... not that I want to know in the first place. He just seems like a player to me.

"One large caramel latte?" The lady calls and I walk up to her and collect my drink. I then take a seat in the corner booth. 

Well around this time I'd normally be enjoying Tyler's home made breakfast, but no I'll just be here drinking my latte. 

I'm sure Avery will kill me if I wake her up, but I'm sure she will want me to call her since it's been days since I last called her.

After the second ring she picks up. "This better be Tiffany, cause otherwise you will sure wish you didn't call." She says, sounding like she just got up.

"Yes it's me." I say amused.

"It's about time girl. Why haven't you called me or your family?" She says, her tone sounding strained and annoyed at the same time.

"You're sick." I state,


"With the flu."

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