Chapter Twelve

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Tiffany's POV: 

"SAY WHAT!!" Avery yells and I block my ears from her loud tone of voice.

"He's my boyfriend." I say, still sounding unsure myself. 

Avery's eyes are wide but are looking at me warily and she knows the signs of a lie all too well.

"Are you sure? You look kind of pale and your biting your lip. Don't lie to me Tiffany." She says with an amused grin.

"You annoy me, you realise that."

"And that's why you're my best friend. Now really, why is Kyle there?" 

Dang it. She read me like a book. She's too smart for her own good.


"You know you can tell me."

"Kyle kissed me." I say awkwardly, "A few days ago." 

I know that wasn't the answer to her original question but I guess that was a distraction so she doesn't know the full truth.

That's when her amused grin turns into a smirk.

"Tiffany has a cruusshh." She sings and I glare.

"Shut up. He's too annoying. Plus when you're basically living with both him and his brother, and you're befriended the cute guy on the block, I don't see a point in having a crush." 

"Wait! You're living with them. And did I hear cute guy. And you didn't even tell me till now. Jeez. Well what did I tell you Tiffany, you better come back with one of them as your boyfriend."

"We'll see Avery. We'll see."

We stay silent for a few minutes until Avery decides to speak up. I look up at the screen to see Avery looking confused,

"Um... Tiffany, why is your eyes glowing neon blue?"

Crap. Crap. Crap. Why now stupid elementaret?

"Well it's... it's the effect on Tyler's computer. Cool isn't it!" I exclaim. 

If you ask me that was a pretty decent reason.

"Yea it is." 

I could hear someone talking on her side of the camera and she screams she'll be there in a moment. Must be her mom.

"Tiffany, I have to go. Skype later?"

"I don't know. I'll see. I'll let you go now, cya!" I wave at her and close the window.

Shit! I didn't ask her about her break up with that chic! Shit. Shit. Shit. Such a good friend I am. Wait a sec, she was sick this morning... she wasn't sniffling cause she was sick, she was sniffling because she was crying.

I hear a door open and turn to see Tyler smirking like he usually does. Crap. Why did I tell her that when he was lingering around.

"Kyle kissed you." That made his smirk turn into a large grin. That's Tyler for you.

"You heard. I don't need to confirm anything and why don't you ask your brother?" I ask with a raised brow but he shakes his head.

"No, I won't because I need to prove something first and way to do that is a make over and a date." 

Make over? Date? Hell freaking no. I don't need a make over. Or a date.

"No. No. No. Tyler no." I say with wide eyes, the furniture starts to lift in the air and I know my eyes are neon and well that the elementaret is taking over.

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