Chapter Eight

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Kyle's POV:

The problem we were dealing with was waking Tiffany up, why you may ask? Well it's cause everything was floating in the air. I was right when I said the elementaret is starting to consume her. We call her name a few times but nothing is working.

"Callum get a glass of water! Now!" Tyler demands, Callum raises a brow,

"Now's not the time for a drink." He says and I roll my eyes,

"Not for a drink idiot. Just get the water." I snap and he gets to work rushing to the kitchen.

"Tiffany! Wake up!" Tyler calls shaking her shoulders, but she doesn't wake up.

Callum soon comes running into the room with the glass of water. I take it off him and nod at Tyler, then I throw the water on her. Making her jolt awake, as soon as her eyes open, they're glowing that neon blue again. So I was right this was the elementaret's doing.

"Tiffany." Tyler says cautiously trying not to scare her, her eyes slowly start to go back to normal and then everything drops back to the floor making a loud bang, including the bed. She blinks a few times and looks around her, "Are you ok? Do you remember what happened?"

"What happened?" She asks sounding confused, looking at her surroundings.

"The elementaret is starting to consume you. Straight in the morning your practicing to lift water again, then I'll show you something new."

She blinks her eyes a few times and looks around, "What are you even going on about?" Her voice groggy from sleep.

"Never mind him. Are you feeling ok?" Tyler asks, sitting beside her on the bed.

"Yea, I'm just really tired."

Tiffany's POV:

What happened? Most importantly why don't I have any clothes on? I look to Tyler and then to Kyle and Callum.

"What happened?" I ask confused. Last thing I remember was being in the shower.

"The elementaret is starting to consume you. Straight in the morning your practicing to lift water again. then I'll show you something new." Kyle tells me, I blink a few times trying to figure out what the hell he's going on about.

"What are you even going on about?" I ask him, my voice groggy from sleep. I'm fighting just to keep my eyes from closing,

"Never mind him. Are you feeling ok?" Tyler asks sitting next to me on the bed and places his hand on my forehead, pushing my hair back gently,

"Yea, I'm just really tired." I tell him and he nods.

"Ok, well we'll let you rest. I'll bring you up some pancakes later, ok?" I smile and nod,

"Thanks Ty."

"No worries." He says and kisses the top of my head. Hearing Kyle groan in the process. "Get some rest."

With that they all left the room except Kyle.


"Conaway." I say in a flat tone,

"What happened? Really. Before you blacked out?" He asks me and I try to think back to what happened,

"Well I started to feel dizzy. Then black dots started to take over my vision. I remember turning the shower off and getting out and that's it." I tell him and he nods, "Why do you care anyways Conaway?"

"Because I'm- we're just trying to help you out. I'm doing my best not to get you killed and consumed by the elementaret. And your training hasn't even been a day and your blacking out and your eyes are turning neon. Neon! Do you understand that this power wants to consume you? Do you want to see your family again?"

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