Chapter Four

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Tiffany's POV: 

Thursday morning comes and first period just had to include Kyle Conaway didn't it. Boy, modern history, world's most boring subject ever... wait, no I could think of more. Our teacher Mr Martin talks in a mono tone about world war II and it's really such a bore, remind me why I chose this subject again.

Nine months left. Dad's words ring in my head and that is soo right. I only have nine months before I graduate and will be apart of the real world. 

"So Tiff, do you like... have a pen I could borrow?" Kyle asks me when our teacher asks us to answer a multiple choice and short answer sheet. Well yes, Kyle also sits next to me in modern and it's a pain.

I glare at him, "A pen. A pen, jeez is it really so hard to bring a pen to class, Conaway." I say really annoyed,

"Did I add please?" 

Argh. I feel like ripping my shoulder length hair out of my head, just talking to this guy. 

"Mr Conaway, Miss Veyne. Is there a problem?" Mr Martin asks from his desk and I go to tell him that Kyle is annoying me but Kyle beats me to it.

"No sir. I was just asking Tiffany if I could borrow a pen." He explains and sir nods,

"Carry on then." 

"You are soo freaking irritating. You could get a pen at the dollar store for a not even a dollar." I hiss, going through my pencil case and handing over a black pen, "Oh and you better give it back." 

"No worries. Tiff." He says with that freaking smile of his,

"Tiff-an-y." I mumble under my breath, sounding out every syllable. This guy doesn't get the fact that I don't like being called Tiff, so I shouldn't even bother anymore.

Lunch comes along after two long periods, break was two hours ago but I'm hungry. The lunch lines were long and they are super long today cause it's Thursday and everyone knows Thursday is the day for the best food to come to our soo fabulous canteen, not really. Thursdays are only good cause the school orders pizza's from the best pizza joint in town, suggested by one of the seniors that came to this school two years ago and they decided to do it, every Thursday. 

Once I finally get to the front of the line I order a meat lovers pizza slice only for the lady to tell me they sold out.

"What do you mean sold out?" I sigh, "What other flavours do you have left then?" I ask and she points to the last three boxes,

"Vegetarian, or supreme." She tells me and I gasp,

"Fine, I'll just take the vegetarian." I say, I hand her the money and she passes me a plate with my slice on it, I smile forcibly and walk off.

Of course meat lovers would sell out, that is the best pizza at the pizza joint. Damn the stupid school for ordering more of vegetarian than meat lovers. 

I continue to grumble to myself all the way to my seat with Avery on the outside benches.

"What's wrong with you?" Avery asks me and I show her my plate,

"They only had vegetarian or freaking supreme. And I really wanted meat lovers." I whine and then she grins,

"Oh then you'll love me even more." That's when she shows me her plate with four slices of meat lover pizza. Yumm. 

"Trade." I smile but she shakes her head,

"Two and a half veggie each." She says and I smile brightly,

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