Chapter Twenty

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Tiffany's POV:

"Hello? Avs?" I say, walking up the stairs.

"Tiffany! I did it, I called him... well I did yesterday, I didn't have enough courage to call him when I told you about it, but I did yesterday and guess what I have a date tomorrow!"

Avery, I love you and everything but I don't really want to talk about her date. But I try to sound interested.

"Yay. That's soo good Avs. Do you know what you're going to wear?" 

"You don't sound happy. What's wrong gurl? Did something happen?"

Spot on Avs. Spot on as usual.

"Too much happened, actually." I tell her honestly, plopping onto my bed once I closed the bedroom door.

"Want to talk about it? I'm not busy." She tells me, I smile just the slightest.

 So as her best friend I fill her in on what happened, missing all details about the Elementaret and the people who nearly kidnapped me so they could kill me.

"He what?! Why the hell won't he let you come? I haven't seen you in weeks, the team needs you and your family is worried about you, especially your mom!" 

"I'd love to tell you, but I can't. I can't tell anyone Avs. I want to, I want to tell you so bad right now, but I honestly can't."

"I guess I could understand, you are allowed to have secrets of your own without telling me-"

"Thanks Avery. I promise I'll tell you... one day."

"But..." Oh this isn't good. "you better give your freakin' boyfriend the phone before I find out where you are and bring you here myself!" 

This Avery is not one you want to mess with.

"Avery, calm down okay. I'm working on it. I'll make sure I'm at that game even if I have to go against him and get back myself. I promise." 

"So you're not going to give him the phone?"

Please don't kill me! I beg of you. 

"Noo." I drawl. 

"Tiffany. Give. Kyle. The. Phone." She pauses for long second before she finishes, "Now!" 

"He- Avery." Then an idea comes to mind. "So how's Kale?" 

"That's not going to work this time round. I'll tell you about Kale after you pass that asshole the phone." 

"Sisters before misters." I mumble, not even sure if she heard me but soon enough I find myself yelling out my bedroom door for Kyle to come upstairs. 

"Jeez, Tiffany. You didn't have to blow my ear drums out!" Avery exclaims through the other line.

"And you don't really need to talk to Conaway the jerk." 

"Tiff-" Kyle starts gently when he gets up the stairs. This instantly puts a scowl on my face.

"Phone's for you." I mutter, shoving the phone in his chest and walking back into my room, closing the door behind me- more like slamming the door behind me, nearly breaking the hinges in the process. Making me think about how powerful I have actually gotten these last few weeks.

If he think's I'm that forgiving, then he better think again. I'm going back to my home town whether he likes it or not. I don't care if he's my boyfriend and that he's trying to keep me safe. I'm not letting him control me and tell me what to do. I have rights you know.

I plop back on my bed and stare up at the ceiling. 

A knock on the door makes me turn my head, as it opens a crack. Kyle's head pops in as he looks for me. 

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