Chapter Twenty Three

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Tiffany's POV:

Weeks have past and still nothing. I don't remember anything. My parents and Avery keep telling me they can't tell me anything cause they weren't with me in recent memories. It was something that makes me try harder to actually remember anything.

I've had a few visitors mainly Avery, her cousin Cece and her friend or so she says Tyler. I remember that name from the phone Avery has told me multiple times that is mine. I still don't believe it though. But I highly doubt he is that Tyler. 

But I've noticed when Cece and Tyler have been visiting on their own they seem to have a hard time being away from each other. So one time when Tyler asks to use the bathroom I take my time to question Cece about it. The only thing she told me was that they were nothing more than friends, but I had a hard time believing her.

Another time Avery told me that Cece just found something that she lost a long time ago.

I was just tiding up my room when a knock sounds at my door. I turn my head to look over my shoulder and see Tyler standing there with a smile on his lips. His blonde hair in a tousled mess on his head as always, like he has run his hand through it too many times but I got to admit he still looks attractive.

"Hey Tyler." I say with a smile going back to picking up the clothes off the floor and throwing them in the clothes basket. "No Cece today?" I ask turning to face him.

"Nope, she has work today." He tells me, "But I wanted to come and see how you're doing."

I nod with an amused smile. "Okay. I'm doing fine, just cleaning up a bit."

"Do you need help?"

"Well I'm not just going to let you stand there all day doing nothing." I smile and nod my head towards the door. "Can you go ask mom for a garbage bag? She's just downstairs in the kitchen."

He walks out of the room and comes back in a few minutes later with a roll of garbage bags.

"Thanks, um there's not really much to do but you can help me sort out my clothes. I just want to throw out clothes that I don't want or wear anymore." I explain.

"Okay, let's do this."

"So, um- how do you know Cece?" I ask Tyler a little while later.

Tyler looks at me, finishing tying a garbage bag full of the clothes I don't want, it didn't take long as I didn't have much clothes. He sits down on the edge of the bed and smiles.

"It was a long time ago actually. We used to go to school together, we used to date, but we broke up because her family had to move. It was for the best really, long distance relationships don't really work." He tells me, I nod slowly. "Anyways, I arrived a few weeks back with my family and a few friends due to certain circumstances and I just bumped into her, and it just happens she was in town the same time I was."

"Aww, that's cute. You guys should get back together!"

He shakes his head, "She has a boyfriend."


I give him an encouraging smile, "I'm sure you can fight for he-"

My eyes fly shut and my hands rush to my head when I feel a sharp pain.

An flash of images and a jumble of words run through my head.

"I know what's happening to you."

"You are living in our house after all."

"Tiff, you like your room?"

"Tiff, come on we have to go. Training starts in a few hours."

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