Argument and......... accident

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From next day Mew and gulf would always argue. Gulf always try to to pull prank on him. He mixed something in his food or put itching powder in cloths or ask him to do his personal work. But mew was always step ahead he was not like others. Gulf was worried as his pranks were not working. Mew always kept watch on him and he never got chance to escape.

A week passed. Mew was slightly worried because of his hectic work he not got chance to meet Sana. He want to know of Auction of orphanage land.
Now gulf is becoming annoying day by day. He not leave a chance to pull prank on mew. Mew got annoyed but he knows that gulf want his privacy but he also needs money so he have to continue it with heavy heart.

One day gulf wants to go to bar for drinks with friends . But Mr kanawut told him not to go out as he think that gulf will create a problem when drunk actually that bar was near his opponent place.

"How you dare to inform my dad about where I was going? "Gulf was full in anger. Because after so many days he want to have some fun with friends. As because of some reason all bars were closed after evening near their place. So he and his friends decided to go another bar.

While talking with mild and giving him address Mew heard all conversation and when Mr kanawut called him to know what gulf was doing Mew told him that he was going to bar in that place.

" look I not told him intentionally. He was asking what are you going to do in evening so I have told him what I listened. "Mew explained. Actually he was tired with everyday argument and pranks and today was more hectic to him.
"You bastard I should know that people like you can go any down for money. So for money you are killing my privacy. "
"Watch your mouth gulf. It is part of my work I only did what your father told. "

Enivorment was getting heated.Both of them arguing from half hour. Mew was losing his patience. But he was calm. Gulf was abusing him from half hour and cursing him.Gulf was in anger overhead. He has lost all his manners.
"I should know cheap people like you can do anything for money. They can kill anyone or can become whore. "Gulf was in frustration.

"Stop gulf please don't judge anyone without knowing. "Mew was last on his patience.

"Do you know manners. I think your parents not taught you that money is not all thing. "

"Stop it, Don't dare to say anything about my parents. "Mew clenched his fist and gritting teeth with anger. Gulf only smirks.

" Oh I think your parents should more cheap than you. I guess They were also greedy for money like you .They taught you right to disturb other personal life . They must be whore to get money.


Mew slaped gulf. His eyes were red with anger. All he was looking like a angry monster who can kill anyone by his looks. He grabbed gulf collar. And he was fuming.
"You bastard brat I had enough your shit. I said don't speak of my parents with that dirty mouth. I was in need so I thought to work here for money. But I think I made a big mistake. I think you deserve bad life than this. You got what all you want. You born with silver spoon but your nature is worst. You need to suffer and understand others feelings. Go do whatever you want to do. I am not working here as bodyguard of spoiled brat who only cares of himself. And go whatever you want to complain to your dad. I am not afraid. "Mew left with disgust in his eyes.

Gulf was in shock first due to slap, anger of mew, and his red fuming eyes and then his word. No one dare to talk with him in raised voice. But mew slaped him. Not even his dad touch him. Gulf was filled with emotion. He was hurt deep inside. He was angry. Tears were briming in his eyes. He went out with frustration started his bike and left to bar. Before guard can follow him he was disappeared.

MY HANDSOME BODYGUARD (Mewgulf and Maxtul) Where stories live. Discover now