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I sincerely apologize for updating late.🙏🙏🙏

Thanks for waiting.

Sana was driving to her boyfriend's house at early morning. It was still dawn. Sun yet didn't rise but sky was getting bright. Gulf was missing and she was too worried for him. In their past little introduction and meeting she definitely came to know that Gulf is little cute boy. She remembers how she saw Gulf's eyes twinkling whenever she would speak about babies in her womb.

She remembers how he literally begged for stay over. She was having hard time to say no to cute doe pleading eyes.
Who can kidnap that innocent soul?

Sana remember when first time Mew told about Gulf. It was when Gulf was harassing Mew by his pranks, before the bike accident. Mew was continuously blabbering about him.

He told her that Gulf is like spoiled brat. He got all luxuries of world. He has his own mansion. He doesn't need to do work and he can get whatever he wants. And he has also loving and caring family. His brother and dad treats him like a prince. But he is spoiled he would go against his dad and would love to harass Mew.
That time Sana envied Gulf.

The life Gulf was living was literally her dream. To be princess and have family.  Her dad would be King who loves her so much. She would have mother Queen who would take care of her. And Brother prince who would protect her. Her dad would protect her from any harm. And her mother would be their to cook her delicious meals. Brother would spoil her. But it was only dream which Gulf was living.

She remembers how it was living as an orphan. Their orphanage caretaker was loving women. She would take good care of all children but there were many things Sana wished for in her childhood. And one of biggest wish of family.

As an orphan she had to learn to do all chores in early age. She had to do work and then take education. There's was no one besides her when she would get hurt. She have to get up again by herself to fight this cruel world. Sana had one hobby to watch all Disney princesses movies.

Only Best things happened in her life was Mew and her boyfriend Lee. Mew was their for her as support everytime. He would take care of her. They were best friends and support system of each other from their childhood. They grow up together learning all life skills by ourselves.

And Lee, they met one year ago. Lee courted her. He showed her how much he loves her. He would take care of her. He would buy gifts and give mesmerizing surprises. He would buy her most luxurious things that she can't afford. She thanked God for sending Lee to her. Lee was sweet talker and would take care of her like she was a fragile thing.

She was happy that she didn't get a dream royal family but got a royal prince who stole her heart. She trusted Lee more than anyone in this universe. She was ready to go even in hell for Lee. That man has completed her dream.

Her thoughts ended when Lee's mansion came to view. She parked her car and got down to stride towards mansion. As she visited here  maybe only one or two times guards recognized her. But they stopped her from entering mansion. They said they need Lee's permission to give entry to anyone. So one guard went in to ask Lee while Sana was arguing with other guards.

Only after less than ten minutes a guard came marching towards them. He was in haste as he allowed her to enter. He asked her to follow as he would take her to Lee.

She followed guard. And he took her inside mansion passing two large doors. Guard took her in one room after passing  one small door. Then he stood front of big bookshelf containing different huge books. Sana didn't know  why did guard stopped there.

Guard picked a particular huge book from third shelf and hidden digital lock was seen. He typed pass code.
Sana was shock to see bookshelf moving from its place and staircase was seen going to basement. She felt creepy vibes looking at dark staircase.

MY HANDSOME BODYGUARD (Mewgulf and Maxtul) Where stories live. Discover now