Missing Gulf

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"You forget that one month is over?  "

"Oh! "

"Then i have made your remaining amount ready. And I also found new person who can work as Gulf 's bodyguard. You can stop working. "

"Oh I see, OK then I will come tomorrow to take my money. Now can I go. "Mew left while he was thinking that he will not leave his job of bodyguard and only take remaining money afterwards he will  work free. And tell Mr James about it tomorrow now priority is to meet gulf.

Then mew head towards stage but gulf was not their. He looked at every place in hall but gulf was not any where. Then he  looked at parking place his car was also missing. Did gulf went home alone without telling me?  Mew thought. Then he asked Max but he also don't know where gulf was. Now they both searched him everywhere. He went home but gulf was missing. Mew called all his friends. But no any clue of gulf. Now it's midnight and Mew is getting impatient.

"Where are you gulf.?"Mew thought in mind.
Max tracked his mobile by help of his friend but mobile was currently off.
"Any clue? Where he will go this late? "Mew asked Max in worried tone.

"Nothing, his mobile is not showing signal. "Max replied.

"I searched him in everyplace where he visits and also called all his friend but no use.What should we do. I'm worried he need to be safe. "

"First that accident and now this there must be a connection. I have called police chief and my police friend to find him. They are watching CCTV footage nearby places. They will track his car. "
Mew was afraid to his heart. He was praying for safety of gulf in his mind.
"I need to tell this dad. Now he is only one can find him. "Max called Tul.
"Tul gulf is missing! "Max said as fast other picked call.
"What! Wait what happened? "Tul replied in shock.
"Gulf is missing from event. We searched him everywhere, called his all friends and also visited all places that he might be. But he is not anywhere. I also tracked his phone and police is finding him. I am afraid for his safety. Now I need dad help. "Max replied with worry.
"Wait I will inform Sir. But you know what might his reaction be . He would be angry that you not informed him first. "and Tul ended call and told everything to Mr Kanawut . And then Mr Kanawut screamed with anger. But Tul can see how he was trying to suppress his worried feeling to anger so no-one can notice.
"Max is telling me this now. And that bastard brat is trouble to me. Tul call security minister of state he is in city and tell him all situation and inform him to send trained officers to find Gulf.  Make sure nothing leak to media press, I can't risk my political carer.And we are going to party place to get clue according to Max police chief will be their. "And they started to go towards car when Mrs Kanawut interrupted.
"I listened all. Is my son all right. "She was tensed.
"He will be alright. Don't worry nothing will happen to him. I will find him. And then I will make sure to lock him in mansion for his whole life"Mr Kanawut spat in anger.

Now all security guards are standing in line. Mew and Max are inquiring them.
Mr Kanawut with Tul entered.
"Max any information of gulf? "Mr Kanawut asked Max.
"No dad, only this security guard saw him going parking lot alone. "Now Mr Kanawut turned toward mew.
"You were his bodyguard. Why the hell you leaved him alone?"
"Sir during press meet he was on stage but after it over I went on stage but he was not their. " Mew replied.
"Max do whatever to find gulf but don't let know this to media. It should be all secret. Opposition party should not know anything otherwise they will take advantage of my situation to ruin my political career. People will start to doubt me that how can I secure them if I can't keep my family safe. And when Gulf will return I will teach him lesson ."
And Mew feeled disgusted about how can father care about his reputation than his child.

Then police officer came running towards them.
"Sir we have found Gulf's car. It was hiding in bushes on the road towards his home. But we can't find him. " Then everyone head towards to see car. It was hide in bushes so no-one can see it. This place was quiet creepy. It was only place in way to house that has no people's around. They were no houses or any shops nearby around 1 km distance. It was dark place with no human habitation.

"Sir I think Mr Gulf has been kidnapped. And kidnappers hide his car in bushes. They must be waiting here to kidnap him. They have known that gulf was returning to house by this way. "police chief informed.

"It means Gulf is kidnapped? "Mew was shocked to hell.
"But Why would they? For money or threat dad ." Max was getting more worried.


Two days passed and Gulf was still missing.  Mew was returning back to Mr Kanawut's mansion after driving all road from party place to Gulfs mansion. He has lost count how much time he had searched all road to house. It may be more than 30 times in two days. He had also contacted Sana and all his friends in city to get Gulf's information .Some were of them work illegal but according to Mew request all were searching them.
Mew entered Mansion.

Gulfs mom is crying and sobing while sitting on couch. Some maids were helping her to calm down. Mr Kanawut is siting on chair with tensed face and listening the information police chief was telling .
Max and Tull were busy in watching CCTV footage. They had watch it more than 20 times to get clue. It was from  one of the shop on way to his house. It showed only Gulfs car moving towards his house while he was driving.
"Mew got any clue?  "Mild asked. Mild had been also searching Gulf from two days. He was worried for his friends safety. He had also contacted all their friends for help.
Mew shook his head to say no. The mission of searching Gulf was going secretly. Mr Kanawut don't want  to know it to media.
Max got up from sit and went out to garden near to mansion. Tull followed him.
"What happened?  Why did you came here? Tull asked.
Tears started to flow from Max eyes.
"Tull I am afraid. Will be my brother all right?  I can't loose him. How much we searched him but no use. Kidnappers had not also called us. What they want from Gulf? Why they kidnapped him?."
Mew entered with Mild to garden where Max and Tull were standing.
"Max we can't lose hope. He will be alright. "Tull was trying to calm Max. Till Mew and Mild were quiet.

"I believe in Gulf. He is not only brave but also smart and strong. He will return back healthy and fine. "Mew said with firm voice. But he was worried to his core.

Rrring....... Rrrrr........ Rrrrr.............

Max picked his phone and put on his ear.

"Hello?... "
"Hello.. Maxiee! "
"Gulf........ Where are you?Are you fine?"
"I am at place named JJ mall. I am hiding here in one of cloth store. Come here to take me........ Hurry up..... Come fast...... Before they reach to me.... Or they will again kidnap me. "
"Wait I am coming. Don't cut call. Keep speaking with me. "Then Max runned towards car and signal Tull, mew and mild to follow him. No one asked him anything they just followed him.
Max told Tull find location JJ mall in city. And drive towards mall. Mew was driving car while Tull was telling him location and Max  and Mild was speaking with Gulf .
Where they can listened only panicked voice of Gulf who was only repeating them same sentence to save him.
After fast drive about half hour they reached Mall. They started to search Gulf in all cloths shop. Mew's heart was racing fast . He was sweating. They reached in one of the shop and then They heard Gulf voice.
"Max... "Gulf came running towards them and hugged Max.

MY HANDSOME BODYGUARD (Mewgulf and Maxtul) Where stories live. Discover now