Psycho's Love part 1

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Mew was sitting on couch head hung low. He was messaging his temple. An hour was passed by dinner time. He was quiet but his mind was racing . His thoughts were unstable. He was feeling  nauseating and his heart was clenching.

Max entered in with Boun. They had tense face. Nadech,  Mew and Kao looked at them with hope. After watching his brothers faces Boun shook head indicating their failure to connect call to Tul and Gulf.

" Don't worry we will use our last option.  We will track them by trackers I had put on Gulf's phone and clothes. " Kao assured. And went in his room and returned back by some seconds with laptop and small briefcase containing different machines.

Kao sat on couch everybody surrounded him. Watching codes typed by Kao on his laptop. After some minute Kao frowned his face was showing disappointment and anger.

" What happened?  Why is it taking so long time? " Mew was losing his patience. Earth patted his back signalling him to have patience.

"It is not showing signals. "Kao typed it again. He was trying to find all possible ways to get signal.

" Is trackers are not working?  " Mew asked.
" I think they are destroyed.  They were high quality only used in intelligence department. They are waterproof and can work in high temperature. They will stop working if they are broken into small pieces. " Boun replied. He was trying to call on Gulf's mobile. While Max was busy calling Tul.

Mew lost his patience and banged a wooden teapoy placed front of couch by his hand.

" Shit... I should have not let him go alone. " Mew took out his mobile and called Gulf. From two hours it was showing out of reach.

" I am calling cops. " Nadech spoke and typed number of Head of security to tell him to sent emergency police squad.
" I am going to all places where I think Tull visits. And I will also go to his friends that I know. " Max got up to leave.

" Enough,  I am going to search him in all city. " Mew got up.
"  Wait I am coming with you. We will search together. "  Max follows Mew.

Nadech stoped them. " Wait a minute. We need plan. "

" Mew  and Max you visit Tull's friends and places he goes. And after that go to places were you think they can go. Also visit Gulf's friends.
And Earth and Kao will search in cities places like Hotels, Malls and restaurants or markets. Visit them all .
After informing police squad they will also help us to search.
And I, Boun and Ohm would go to security minister and ask their help. I will also inform about all to Uncle and aunt. " Nadech spoke in dominant voice.  Everyone nodded and started to follow instructions.

" Be in contact with us" Nadech shouted at Mew and Max who went out hurriedly. 


" Argghh... Ahhh.. " Gulf groaned. He blinked for few seconds before opening his eyes completely. After getting conscious Gulf realized his situation. He was tied to the wooden chair with chains.  His hands were tied to armrests. He was in room which has poor lighting and totally empty. No-one was their in room. Room didn't has windows only a door belongs opposite to his side.

Environment was suffocating him. Blood drops were dripping from corner of his head. It trailed down on his neck. He was getting flashbacks of when he was kidnapped.  He remembered how he got in this situation now.

He remembers how he was silently sitting on passenger seat and smiling reminding how his boyfriend took care of him all day. And how he enjoyed a date in amusement park.
When suddenly Tull pulled breaks. He was about to bump his head on front but saved by seatbelt. Tull hastily pulled his seatbelt and open door to get down. When he got stable. He looked at front some big vehicles were blocking their road.
" You stay here. I will look. "Tull spoke to him and went out towards vehicles. Gulf nodded but he felt very odd. So he took out his phone to dial number of Mew.
But at instant a nearby window glass was broken by hitting something like steel rod from out. Glass broke and scattered some also hit Gulf. Some small pieces were pierced in his skin. And cut was formed in corner of head.
Before he can recover from first attack   some one sprayed gas on his face from broken window. Which caused him to unconsciousness. He felt dizzy and nausea and then all felt was dark.

MY HANDSOME BODYGUARD (Mewgulf and Maxtul) Where stories live. Discover now