Can you be my friend?....

785 66 5

In hospital
Next morning.
VIP ward
In room

Gulf was sleeping on bed. His eyes opened slowly. He was feeling thirsty. A first word came from his mouth.

"Water....... "

"Gulf are you alright? You need water let me help you. " Max said while bringing glass of water to gulfs mouth.

"Wait I should call doctor. "Max said.

"Wait Max. Where is Mew? "gulf asked while holding his hand.

"Oh your bodyguard Mew. He is in next room. "

"Wwwwhat happened to hhhhim? Is he okay? "

"I don't know. I think he is sleeping. Now please stop talking and take rest. "Max went out to call doctor.

Doctor checked gulf. And prescribed something to Max. They were talking sudden a nurse entered with worried face.

"Doc, the patient in next room is waked up. Please come. "

Doctor left with hurry.
Now listening this Gulf got scared. He started to cry.

"Gulf shhh. ..shhh.. Don't cry. What happen?Max was comforting Gulf.

After some time gulf stoped crying. He can't stop his thought. He was remembering last moment before accident. Something hit their bike and with loud sound they fall down. All was blur only felt someone pulling his body in warm hug while lying down.

"Gulf are you okay now? "Max asked.
"I want to see Mew. "Gulf stand up but he felt pain in his body. He can see bruises over his body. His left hand was bandaged.

"Gulf have some rest. I will inform about him to you. "Max said worriedly.

"Max I am all right. I want to see him. "Gulf went to next room.Max followed him. As he entered he saw Mew was sitting on bed while resting his body on pillow. His right hand and right leg were casted. There was a bandage on his forehead. Face was bruised. He entered and Mew gave him smile. Doctor was checking Mew.
"OK I think you are fine.You need rest for week. Don't stress. Call me if you need something. "doctor said and went out.
"Gulf are you okay. Your body must be paining.Why you don't take rest?  Come sit here"Mew pointed him to sit on chair near to bed.

"I am fine. How are you?  Is it hurting? Gulf touched mew right hand cast.

"No it's okay. I have gone too serious accident than this. You must go to your room. "mew said.

"By the way how did we reach here? Gulf asked Mew. And looked at Max.

"I called ambulance. And they took us here. "mew replied.

"How do you came here?  "gulf asked Max.

"It's because Mew called me and told me you both got accident and are in this hospital. So I rushed here alone.
"Max replied.

"Do you told dad? "

"No I came here and doctor told me you are alright and you are sleeping because effect of alcohol. Doc said you have hurt in left hand so they bandaged it. "

"Thank god you not inform him."

"What happened last night. How you got accident and ended up here? "Max asked.

"Last night when we were returning from bar on gulfs bike . I was riding bike suddenly I understood bikes break were not working. And someone was following us in car. So I ride bike as fast as can to reach some public place. Then car stopped following us. Then to stop bike I have to hit it nearby a stand. We fall down. Gulf got unconscious so I called ambulance and came here then I directly called you from gulfs mobile .My mobile was broken. I found your number first as it was saved by name 'brother'. "mew replied.

" do you remember who was following you, Some clue or car number?"Max asked.

"No ,it was really dark. All I can remember is it was a red car and two men were sitting in front. All that can I watch from mirror. Number plate was covered "mew replied.

"OK I will found out. I will see all CCTV footage nearby places and also inform my police friend . And gulf you are not allowed by me to go out without any permission any where. I will increase guards and you have to take them every where. If you not listen me I will inform dad. Then he will ban you to go out. "Max ordered.

"No no I will follow all your rules. "gulf said hurryly and pouted his lips.

Growl...... Rrrrrrrrrrr........ Grrrrrrrrr....

Max and mew looked to gulf with wide eyes. And Max chuckled.

"I guess I am hungry. I have not ate since yesterday afternoon. "Gulf said while looking to his stomach and rubbing hand on it.

"OK I will bring food for you both. "Max left.

"Gulf..... Come here, lie here on bed near to me. .. It will make you some rest."Mew said while making space for gulf on bed. Gulf got up and lied beside mew. He looked at mew who was sitting near and then he said

"I... am.. Sorry..... Mew. Please forgive me. I am really bad jerk. Sorry for insulting your parents. Please sorry....... Sorry.All happened because of me that accident. I am really bad asshole. "He catched his ear and looked at mew while making puppy eyes. Mew could not believe a brat can turn into such innocent child. How he can not forgive him. He can see tears formed in gulfs eyes. He can feel guilty on his face. He melt down on image front of him.

"It's OK gulf. I forgive you. Actually I am orphan. I lost my parents in accident when I was 5 year old. I Only remember their face. So I got angry. And also forgive me for slap. Sorry. And I don't blame you for accident. "mew replied.

After hearing mew tears rolled on cheecks of gulf. Mew immediately wipe it.

"So if you really forgive me then you will be my bodyguard again right? "gulf asked.

"Yes"mew replied. Because he now knows that gulf is in danger. And he need to protect him.

"Can you be my friend.....please don't say no.... Please... "gulf asked shyly.

"OK I will be your friend. But on one condition. Don't play again that pranks on me. "Mew said while laughing.

"I promise I will be your best friend. "gulf replied smiling.

"Hey!  I brought you food eat it. I have to tell dad that you are with me. Otherwise he will suspect you to not be home. Guards would have informed him. I will call him. "Max said while going out.

Now gulf opened their lunch. He took a scoop and brought near mew mouth.
"You eat it I will eat by my hand. " mew said.
"Don't be stubborn. Your right hand is  casted. How can you eat. I will feed you.  Just eat. I will eat bite after yours. So hurry up I am hungry. "gulf said while beaming.

Mew know gulf will not listen. So he ate it. Then gulf ate his own bite from same spoon and same lunch box. Mew blushed as he thought it was indirect kiss and looked at gulf who was busy in munching food.  He really felt gulf is too adorable like a small baby. He was staring him while waiting for next bite. But Gulf forgot to give him next bite and ate his bite. Mew pouted. Then suddenly gulf remembered and feed mew. Mew just can't stop looking at him. He was happy. He chuckled. He feels that gulf is like small kid who is innocent as well as naughty.

MY HANDSOME BODYGUARD (Mewgulf and Maxtul) Where stories live. Discover now