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Mew was looking and adoring innocent face of gulf who was just sleeping near to him on bed. Max entered room.
"Ah!!!  This boy is really stubborn. Mew you are more hurt but he is sleeping on your bed. Let me wake up him" Max went near to wake up gulf.
"Wait   let him sleep I am comfortable! "mew said while stoping him.
"umm are you okay? "  

"Let me tell you something. I think yesterday accident was pre-planned.we need to add more security to him. But by the way why anyone need to hurt him. He is just college student. "

"I don't know. I think it's because dads  enemy. I will find out. Till I trust his safety on you because you saved him from previous accident. "

" I will try my best and protect him but to handle him is not easy as enemy. "Mew chuckled.

"Oh I know you probably have survived from his pranks. But I can tell you that it is because he doesn't like anyone interfering his privacy. You can see him as brat but.... He is opposite to it. I was 4 year old when he was born. I was very happy to see my little brother . He was innocent bundle of happiness. We were inseparable brothers . We loved to play, eat and enjoy together. He was my shadow. He will follow me everywhere. Till on his 10 th birthday dad told him that he will send him to abroad boarding school for good education. Dad want him to be good degree holder in any field. But he don't want to leave me and mom. But dad refused ,he cried lot but dad sent him. I was missing him. Then after some days I got busy in my studies. But after some months a call came from his school that he had fight in school and he is injured. Then dad brought him home. We came to know that he had suffered bullying from senior of school. When he returned back I was happy to see him but dad refused to stay him with us. He told that to complete studies he will send him another school. No matter what dad not listen him and not also me, he send him away from us again . Then again after some years we got call from his school that he had big fight but this time he had hit badly to someone . Dad brought him back. He scolded him. I tried to rescue but no use. Then he started to stay alone. I was only one with whom he shared all things. Dad had no time for family same as mom. She was also busy in her acting event and then supporting dad. But I was also send abroad to study and my acting classes. I lived there and got busy in my studies. I returned back after completing my studies then I saw a new Gulf a total different  a rebel, arrogant, brat but it was not his fault. So now he is like this. " Max sighed after speaking and Mew nodded in understanding.

"What are you talking about? "gulf waked up and sat near Max while rubbing his eyes.

"Nothing , cmon now we need to go home. Otherwise dad will be suspicious. And Mew you can return back after you feel well. Till I will tell all Tul and ask for his help. Tul will tell lies that you are with him. And inform him his daily activities. Ok"

"Thank you bro. " gulf hugged Max while Max chuckled and mew was watching his cuteness.

"Now I will leave. You take care of yourself and return back as soon as possible. Bye" Gulf said while smiling.

"Bye" mew replied.

Days passed mew returned back. And gulf was changed totally. He would treat well and respect him. They became good friends in some time. Mew also helped him. He would always lie to his father that he is following his routine but they both would escape from security and spend time as gulf want like playing football. Gulf introduce mild to mew. Time passed . The one month was passed but Mew forgot everything in gulfs accompany. He liked to spend time with gulf. And Gulf was very happy.

"what happened ? What your dad said?  Mew asked gulf who was looking worried from morning.

"Nothing it's just dads and mom marriage anniversary and they had arranged a big party with all his friends and colleagues. And told me to come at place early to join party. "Gulf answered.

MY HANDSOME BODYGUARD (Mewgulf and Maxtul) Where stories live. Discover now