New Guest

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As soon as Max and Tull leaved mansion Mrs Kanawut left to arrange all things for their new guests. When Mr Kanawut  saw everyone left he immediately fished for his mobile from last drawer of closet in his bedroom . It was his personal no one knows he has second mobile. He dialled a number which showed unknown caller ID. Two to three rings after someone replied from other end.

"Hello "

"Hmm... I am speaking. Don't worry we found him. He is safe ."Mr Kanawut replied.

"I.. Is ..he.. Okay? "

"Hmm... No harm.. he is alright, I will send his pics if I get chance to click photos. Believe in my word he is good. "

"I believe you. So I am quiet. "

"I am hanging up. "


Then Mr Kanawut hide that mobile again in drawer from where he had picked it up.

On other side Max and Tull reached airport. They both washed their sad feelings and brought smile on their face. Max and Tull were waiting for their guest arrival.

The guest were their actually cousins and some officers. Max dad has one sister who was married to the major captain in navy force of Thailand. Then Max uncle was promoted because of their intelligence and bravery to special department in their army that deals with outside problems like terrorist etc. After early retirement of uncle their family moved United States . Uncle taught to his sons all skills he knows because of that his two son were hired in special department of security in US that catches different criminals. Where his youngest son still studying in university.

So Max aunt has three son eldest Nadech second Kao and youngest Boun. When Max and Gulf were small children their aunt would always visit every vacation holiday with her sons. Then they all siblings would spend vacation holidays together. Nadech was oldest he was six years old than Max and Kao. Max and Kao were same age but Kao was two months younger than Max. Where Boun was three year younger than Max and Kao. And youngest one in all of them was Gulf who was four years younger than Max. Nadech, Max, and Kao were very protective to their younger brothers.Well first time when Gulf was forced to live  out and study. that time Gulf and Boun were in same school but after Gulf got bullied his father changed his school. Nadech and his brothers would love to spend their holidays with their cousins. But after Nadech started working they stopped coming to Thailand for their vacation but they missed their cousins. On same year Max was send abroad to live with his aunt and cousins to study acting. Which left Gulf alone in Thailand.During stay of Max in his aunt house he became very close to his cousins. They all missed gulf lot. They would always call Gulf and speak with him on phone. When Max returned back he met his brother Gulf as rebel and stubborn.

After waiting for some minutes Max saw a familiar faces coming to their direction with two unknown face. As they came close Max hugged his elder cousin Nadech. Where Kao and Boun gave wide smile.And two unknown were standing with straight face.

"How are you Max and Gulf ,family ? "Nadech asked.

"We all are fine. And Gulf is also good there is no injuries to him. He is sleeping due to injection given by doctor otherwise he would be very excited to meet you. "Max replied.

"Hmm... So let's go home. I will introduce to these two officers to everyone at home and we will start our mission. I feeling little tired because of Jet lag."Nadech said.

"Sure, over there are three cars for us to reach home. "Tull said while pointing to cars.

" Max who this handsome? "Boun asked while giving a flirty smile.

MY HANDSOME BODYGUARD (Mewgulf and Maxtul) Where stories live. Discover now