Expressing Love.

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Everyone decided to join bonfire and plays games for fun. After dinner girls and boys were surrounding bonfire and playing truth or dare. They were having fun. When suddenly Gulf decided that he want to have walk on beach and signalled Mew to accompany him.

Mew assured brothers that they will have walk for some distance away not to far

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Mew assured brothers that they will have walk for some distance away not to far. They went have walk.

Gulf was walking with Mew clinging on his right arm. While Mew was smiling all way.

" Mew I know it is only two days ago we confessed our love. But I feel like I can't leave without you. Just don't leave me ever. " Gulf cupped cheeks of Mew and stared into his eyes. He felt like he was lost in dark brown orbs.

Mew smile grew wider.
" You know Gulf that I am orphan. I lost my parents. I didn't even know how they look. I growed in orphanage. Our orphanage owner is a sweet woman. She treated me like her son. And as family I have only my one best friend Sana. We both moved out orphanage when we were seventeen. Started to work whatever decent job we get.

I also agreed to work as your bodyguard because I wanted money to save our orphanage which was going to auctioned because of bank loan.

Then I met you. Most innocent person from inside with attitude of brat from out. I actually got attracted to you. But I fell for you when you apologized to me in bar when we fought before bike accident. And I fell harder when Max told me about your nature in hospital. I don't know why you got this bratty attitude and hate your dad. But I am willing to know you and help you to move from past and be person who you actually are.

I will help you in every way. And I would never ever leave you. I promise. We will walk side by side in our future. I never had relationship earlier or never had any flings. I wanted someone who would be true person and will be with me forever till death part us.

I believe in true love. So I said I love you then I mean it. I will always treasure you. I want to be with you till death part us. But we don't know what life would bring for our future. I know path will be not easiy. But I promise I will fight with my all best and protect you and our relationship. Just don't leave my side. We don't know what time will bring for us but I promise to give my heart only for you.

Please be with me for worse and best in our future life. I know we will have arguments because never relationships are completed without facing problems and quarrels. But remain assure whatever I will do, it only will be for our love.

Tears dropped from Mew's eyes which were reflect in Gulf's eyes too. Gulf moved his face forward and attached their lips together. Replying all his emotions which are in his heart through kiss.

Mew pulled Gulf by his waist. Gulf leaned into kiss, looking into eyes of Mew. Conveying all his feeling through eyes.

That he will cherish this love till end of his breath.

This message reached to Mew when he stared in Gulf's eyes.
No one was ready pull back from kiss. As it was life's best moment which they wanted enjoy as longer as they can.

Suddenly Mew was pulled back harshly by his arm. Before he can react a punch landed on his face. At instant reflex Mew was going to punch back that person but stopped in middle as he saw person.

Max was standing their fuming in anger. While Kao was standing beside him with worried face. As everyone thought Mew and Gulf were late to return. Max and Kao decided to search them. But when they found both. Max couldn't stand watching his brother getting kissed by his bodyguard which they know only for some time .He ran and pulled Mew with his arm and punched his face.

" How dare you to kiss him? Are you imposing yourself on him. " Max was in anger. Because he don't know Mew for long time. And Mew was kissing his younger brother. Max loves Gulf most in this world other than anyone. He thinks Gulf is innocent and naive just being bratty from outside.

Gulf was shocked when he saw Max punching Mew. But he pulled himself up and stood between his brother and Mew. He knows Max is just being protective over him but he can't see Mew getting hurt. His heart pains seeing Mew getting hurt.

" Brother let me explain. I love Mew. I want to spend my life with him. We love each other. Please calm down. I will explain everything. " Gulf knows seeing Mew and him kissing is big shock for Max. He never told Max that he likes Mew. Because it was only two days ago he discovered this feeling of love.

" I think Max we should discuss it calmly. By what Gulf confessed I think their both feelings are involved. We should discuss it with others. Just we would all go back and have proper discussion. " Kao pulled Max and Gulf side by side and headed towards where others were waiting. He told Mew to follow them.


Now everyone were siting in silence. Only noise of waves can be heard. Bonfire was burning a little. Stars and moon can be seen in the clear dark sky.

Gulf has explained everything about his feelings towards Mew to his brothers. He explained how it started and how loved he feels with Mew. Mew was quite all time. While Max and Boun was in peak of rage. Boun already tried to beat Mew but was stopped by Nadech and Gulf.

Well Gem, Ava, Olly, Hazel, Ella and Elliana were also present their. Witnessing all things happening. Ohm and Earth didn't interrupt but they wanted to support Mew. When Gulf was verge of crying Hazel rubbed his back and gave encouraging smile.

While everything was going on Tull and Nadech were silent.

After listening all Nadech decided to speak with them.

" So as Gulf said you like Gulf? " Nadech asked Mew. Everyone looked surprised towards Nadech. As he was looking calm. But his voice was reflecting power and dominance.

Mew was quite till now. He just wanted a chance to explain his feelings to all. He had already vowed in his mind that he would never back off. He will announce it to world he loves Gulf and he would not leave Gulf no matter what.

" I love Gulf.  I will love him till end. No matter what problems I face. I will love him. And I don't afraid to anyone. I will face all problems and protect him  and our love with all might. Till Gulf loves me I will stand beside him and always take care of him. It is not only my promise to Gulf.But it is also vow taken by me.


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MY HANDSOME BODYGUARD (Mewgulf and Maxtul) Where stories live. Discover now