Feeling Love. 🔞

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Slight Mature content ahead. 🔞🔞
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I wanted to write some background love stories of Ohm, Earth and Ava Olly as I said but chapters are getting lengthy and somewhat boring so I didn't write it.

If you are youngest in your siblings no matter how old you get. You're older siblings will always be protective of you. So don't imagine Gulf's character weak in this story. He respects his brothers and others are protective of him. He is youngest as other all characters.


After listening to Mew for half hour,Max calmed down. He felt sincereity in Mew's words. Nadech was also satisfied.

" I believe in Gulf.  So I think we should give chance to you. Just take care of him. If any complaints we listened about you from him. I will make sure you suffer double of it. Don't forget he has four elder brothers. " Nadech spoke but his voice was dominant.

Mew felt relieved. And no way he can think to hurt Gulf. He nodded his head. But on other hand worry was laced on Gulf's face as he dont know what Max thinks.

Gulf went near to Max.  And hugged him.
" Brother you know I love you most in this world. If you don't want me to be with Mew. Then I will follow you. But Max I can't live without him. I love him too much. I can't even imagine being without him.  But I can't disappoint you.  I will leave him but then my heart will also leave my body . Because it is already of Mew. "

Max pulled back. He looked at Gulf's face. He wiped his tears.

" Gulf I am not against your love. But I  can't trust on Mew easily. We know him for just months. "

" I know, but sometimes time doesn't matter to fell in love. I trust him. "

" OK don't cry. I will give him chance. But  if single tear falled from your eyes because of him. Then I will kill him by my hands. And it is not warning it is threat to him. He better keep you happy. "

" Brother don't say that. But thank you very much. You're my support system. So without your permission I will not accept our relationship. But thank you  for believeing me. "

" Hmm... But I  am sad because if I had not found out mistakely. You would have not told me anything. "

" it's not like that brother. As I told we confessed to each other only two days ago. I just wanted it to pass some days acknowledgeing my feelings but now I am hundred percent sure that I love him. "

Gulf was relieved and overjoyed. He ran towards Mew and hugged. And Mew tightly embraced him.

Kao clears his throat. " I have something to say. Till now we don't know about you. So I thought Mew wanted to live with you for your safety but not now.  As I can predict what was happening in room. You are not allowed to live together for rest of our picnic days.  I will book another room for Mew. "
And Gulf blushed in dark shade of pink.  Mew got disappointed . But he had to follow Gulf's brothers rule to win their trust.

" Oh I forgot about it. " Max exclaimed.
" Brother. " Gulf wihned and hid his face with his hands.

" Gulf it is serious. You both are not allowed to do it till you get married.  You can catch only hands or  do hugs. No kisses. I am not allowing it. " Max sternly ordered.

" Brother how you can say that. Lovers can kiss. "Gulf pouted.

" But big No for you. "

When their conversation was going on. Tull escaped from that place. And Boun saw that but he had no time for it to tell others. He has different confusion in his mind.At last he decided to speak because after all it is about his younger brother.

MY HANDSOME BODYGUARD (Mewgulf and Maxtul) Where stories live. Discover now