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Ponyboy's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling miserable. Thinking about what I said to Norah, basically ruining our friendship. After what happened with Valerie, it made me think of Norah and I. Maybe I did choose the wrong girl. Maybe I've had feelings for Norah all this time, but was blinded by Valerie.

I messed up. Big time.

I head downstairs to eat breakfast and see the gang already here. And then I see Soda coming through the door with the same clothes he had on the night before.

Is he now just coming home?

"Where have you been?" Darry asked Soda.

"Norah's." He replied. Norah's?

"You've been there since last night?" I asked him. He nodded. He was there when I went over there?

"What's that on your neck?" Johnny asked Soda. I saw a reddish bruise. They did not.

Soda went to the bathroom and examined his neck and smiled.

"It's nothing." He said as he walks out the bathroom and sit on the couch.

"It's nothing my ass. You and Norah did it last night, didn't ya?" Dally said, laughing. The guys started hitting Soda with the pillows from the couch.

"Alright alright. Chill out all ya. Yes, we did it." He said. The guys cheered him on.

I was pissed. How could he do this to me?! My own brother. I got up from my seat and head upstairs to my room and slammed the door shut.


Sodapop's POV

"Last night was great." I told Norah, as I'm putting my clothes back on, sitting on the edge of her bed.

She comes up behind me and wraps her arms around me. Her bare chest against my back. She began kissing my neck and down to my shoulders, outlining my body.

"Do you have to go?" She pleaded.

"Yes, sadly I do. Darry is probably worried about me and you have to get ready to leave today." I reminded her. She sighed and hid her face in my back.

"You're right, I totally forgot about today. It came so soon." She said. "Maybe I shouldn't go." I turned to look at her.

"No, don't say that. Don't change your mind just because of last night. I mean don't get me wrong, I want you to stay just as much as how I feel about what we did, but you were right, I can't make you stay just for me or my brother. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you're not gonna miss it. What we did last night was special and I'm gonna remember it for the rest of my life and I love and care about you so much. I know this doesn't mean that we're together in any sort of way because I know deep down, it will always be my brother and I'm okay with that, I'm okay being hurt by you."

Norah's POV

Hearing those words coming from Soda, shocked me to my core. I can't believe he's saying this to me on my last day.. I'm getting emotional.

I start to cry, but not in like a sad type of way. Well, maybe a little bit of sad mixed with happy. I'm just emotional at this point, okay. I wanted to say something back, but I couldn't find the words. So I just stayed silent and cuddled with his body.

But within the silence, I think he knew.

He knew the words that I wanted to say, he found them in mid air and put them together without having me to spell it out to him. Because honestly, I didn't even know, myself.

And with that, he slipped between my fingertips and left.

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