Late Night Hangout

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12am - Norah's POV

I was beat from the party. I came home an hour ago, Valerie and Noah didn't wanna leave early so I had to wait till they were ready to go. After the small altercation between Noah and Ponyboy, I just sat around the bar.

I didn't leave with Pony because there wasn't any room in the car for me to sit. I mean yeah I could've sat on one of the guys lap, but I did not want to feel a hard on from any of them. Wasn't taking any chances.

I was slowly falling asleep, when I heard someone knocking on my balcony door. I ignored it and went back to sleep, but the knocking kept going. So I got out of bed and open my curtain and see Ponyboy standing there.

I open the door.

"Pony, what are you doing here?" I whispered to him, trying not to wake up my folks.

"You wanna do something?" He asked. I looked at him crazy.

"Now?" He nods. I grab my sweater from my coat hanger and Pony and I climbed down the tree that's near my patio.

We walked down the road to the lot and sat on the long chair. I yawned and rest my head on his shoulder as he rests his arm around me.

"So what's on your mind? I know you didn't pull me outta my slumber for nothing." I asked him.

He sighed, "I got this letter in my locker and the guys convinced me that it was Val who wrote it so I recite what the letter said, to her. I can't believe I said those things to her. She probably thinks I'm an asshole now."

I widened my eyes. He read my letter.

"She wrote you a letter?"

"I don't know, it was probably Johnny . I can't believe that I was dumb enough to think that Val wrote me a love letter." He leaned forward and shook his head and hung it low. I rubbed his back.

"What did the letter say?"

He recited it to me word for word,

"I can't always explain my feelings the way I want you to understand them. That's why I'm writing this letter. Sometimes when we're near, there are feelings and emotions I feel rushing through my body and erupt like fireworks. But I can't always fathom those feelings to touch you the same way. I'm madly in love with you, and I wish you reciprocated those feelings as well one day."

"That's one hell of a letter for you to memorize it."

"It's the best thing I ever read and I read a lot of books." We shared a laugh. He rested his head on my chest as I combed my fingers through his hair.

"You know what Pone, what if the letter is real?" I told him. He lifted his head and looked at me.

"Maybe somebody really is in love with you." He leaned back in the chair and looked up at the stars.

"I just wish I knew why I love her so much. I mean I think about her all the time. She's so beautiful. Everything about her, she's perfect. I hate Noah Williams."

After hearing that, it stung my heart. I felt tears forming, ready to pour out my eyes. But I stayed strong so they wouldn't fall down my face. I wiped them away and pretend I didn't hear him say that. No matter what I do, I always come second to Valerie and always will.

"Yeah, she's probably letting him feel her up right now." I said that with venom. I just wanted to say something that will get him to stop thinking about her. It felt good.

He groaned.

"My bad, I guess."

"It's okay. Things could've gone worse, Noah could've beaten me so bad that I would end up at the hospital. But I didn't. Thanks for saving me." He said. I playfully shoved his shoulder with my hand.

"You know if you're so gaga over Valerie, why don't you call her up and tell her to leave Noah and give you a shot?" Why are you helping him?

"Yeah right. After tonight? I don't think so." He told me shaking his head.

"You could write her a letter and slip it in her mailbox." I suggested.

"I'm not the best writer. Plus, she would just tear it up if she knows it's from me."

"Well not if she doesn't know who it came from." He looked at me with confusion.

"Like you don't sign it and this way if she doesn't like it, she'll never know who wrote it."

"You could give it to her for me." I looked at him and shook my head.

"Me? Nooo, I don't think so."

"Please, you're my only hope. I'm desperate Nor." He pleaded. He looked deep into my eyes. Ughh I can't resist his eyes.

"Oh, alright I'll do it." He stood up and cheered and then sat back down.

I leaned back on the chair and looked down. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

"You're really a good friend."

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