Hard To Move On

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Norah's POV

I don't know why I was crying. It's because you still have feelings for Ponyboy, it's never gonna go away even if you try to move on with his brother. Oh, shut up brain.

"I'm heading to the Curtis'" I told my parents and I head outside and walk next door. I walk up their porch and go inside.

"Hey Norah." All the guys greeted me, excluding Soda and Pony who is not present. Dally stood up and pulled me aside.

"Look, I know you hate my guts but lemme just talk. I'm sorry about lying to the guys and what I told them. I know you already was hurt enough by the way I treated you and if I could take it back I would. You're a great girl, you're loyal, kind, caring, and even took care of me when I had no place to go. And you didn't deserve to be treated the way I treated you."  I hugged him.

"Thank you, Dally. I really appreciated that." I said against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat starting to pick up. I pulled away.

"So how's that new guy of yours?" He asked me. I looked at him confused.

"Yeah, you know that guy you was telling me about at Buck's party that night. That's why you couldn't be with me." He's talking about Ponyboy, that's who I meant at Buck's party. Oh, shoot what am I gonna tell him?

"Uh.. good." I said, not making eye contact with him. He looked at me suspicious.

"So, who is this mystery guy?" He asked me.

"No one you know Dally." I said moving away from him and heading upstairs, hoping that Soda is up there.

And he is, thank god. I shut the door behind me and lock it.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me. I didn't say anything, but hugged him and cried in his chest. He held me tight and caressed my hair.

He pulled me away from his chest and looked at me.

"What happened?" He said. I was lost for words.

"Was it Ponyboy? What did he do?" He asked again.

"It's what he didn't do Soda. I just got off the phone with Val and she said she's in love with Pony and on top of that I told Dally that I didn't wanna go back with him because I liked someone else, he didn't know that I was talking about Pony. And now he's asking me who this guy is and it's all just so much for me." I said crying.

"I can't take it! I hate seeing someone I love and care for move onto someone who barely cared for him in the first place. I know you were helping me get over Pony, but it's hard to move on when I see him everyday." I continued and Soda just held me and listened.

I pulled away from his grasp and looked up at him, "Soda.. you deserve someone that doesn't carry baggage. Someone that's not me. Cause I'm just leading you on, thinking something great can come outta this, but in reality it's going nowhere and I'm sorry for putting you through this." I caressed his cheek and he leaned his head more.

"You're a great, genuine guy and any girl would be lucky to have you in their arms, but I'm not one of them. I would love for something to be between us, but let's face it.. I'm in love with your brother." I saw his eyes watering and he leaned his forehead against mine.

"Norah, Pony doesn't deserve you. I do. I don't care if you're in love with my brother, just be with me. I want you, I need you." I shook my head.

"I can't do that, because in the end you're gonna get hurt and I'm gonna be hurt by hurting you." I gave him one last kiss. He held me real tight. I could feel his tears running down while he was kissing me.

"I'm so sorry.." I said leaving his bedroom.

As I reached downstairs, the guys looked at me and saw my red teary eyes.

"You okay, doll?" Two-bit asked me. I nodded.

Then Dally spoke up, "so the mystery guy is Soda? Really, him?" I glared at him and ignored what he said. I head to the kitchen to talk to Darry.

"Hey, Dare bear." He looks straight at me and raises his eyebrow.

"What do you want?" He knows whenever I say 'dare bear' that means I want something.

"Soo, you know how my parents are leaving on their business trip?" He nods.

"Well, Val just called me and asked if we can have a party for Pony at my house? I told her that I'd have to ask you, since you're looking over the house too." He looks at me sternly.

"It's only gonna be a small get together. You, me, Pony, Val, and the guys. That's it." I continued.

"Fine." He said.

"Thanks." I told him as I head back home.

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