Party Planning

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Norah's POV

Soda and I are walking home from our date, hand in hand. It felt good to go out and worry about nothing for once. I think I could see myself moving on with Soda. He's very good looking and is a sweet, genuine guy who got his heart broken like I did.

We walked up on my front porch and just stood there in silence.

"I had a really great time tonight Soda." I told him. He smiled big, and it made my insides melt.

"Me too." He said shyly. I comb my fingers through his hair and rested my hand on his cheek. He had both his hands on my waist.

"You're a great guy, Sodapop." I looked into his eyes, his big beautiful eyes and I felt like he put me in a trance.

Suddenly, we were both leaning in and sealed the night with a kiss. He held me tight, like he didn't wanna let me go, and I didn't mind at all because I didn't wanna let him go too. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we kept kissing like no ones business. We didn't care if anyone saw us. We was on top of the world, ready to conquer.

I didn't wanna stop and it seemed like he didn't want to either, but I was losing air so I pulled away first.

"Sorry," I said laughing a little, "I had to take a breather." He laughed as well.

"You good?" He asked me. I nodded and he leaned in again.

We continued to make out, but then heard someone clear their throat. We pulled away and there stood my parents and Darry. I instantly pushed Soda away from me and hid behind my hands of embarrassment.

"Uhm.. hi." I said to them.

"Hiii." My dad said, him and my mom laughing and walked up the porch, unlocking the front door and heading inside.

"I guess it's time for me to go." Soda said. I walked up to him and hugged him. He grabbed my cheeks and was about to kiss me, but Darry spoke.

"Ah ah, get your butt home. I don't wanna see my unbiological kid sister and my biological kid brother kissing in front of me." Darry said grabbing Soda and heading back to their house.

"I'll see you later, Nor." He said. I laughed and waved them goodbye.

Ponyboy's POV

Valerie and I were making out. We were both topless at this point. I was caressing her leg and slowly making my way up her thigh, until she stopped me.

"Ponyboy, I don't wanna be a tease but this is the first time we've been together and I don't think it's right this soon." She said. I nodded, understanding where she's coming from.

"Right, right it's too soon." I said getting off of her and finding my shirt.

We put our clothes on and head downstairs. We went outside and stood on her porch.

"You know, I've never gone out with a guy in my own grade before. Noah's a year older." She told me.

"Neither have I."

"How old are you?" She asked me. I put on my thinking face.

"Seventy one, seventy two. You know I can't remember, I'm getting so old."

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