The Switcheroo

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The next day - Norah's POV

I was leaning against the counter in the kitchen, waiting for the coffee to finish. I held Pony's letter in my hand, debating whether to read it or not.

"It's none of your business." I said to myself. Oh what the heck, reading wouldn't hurt.

"Fuck it." I opened the envelope, making sure I don't rip it and started reading the letter.

"My dearest darling,
I love you more than yesterday and more than all of yesterday's tomorrow's.
Nothing is as dear to me as you are."

"Oh, Pone, this is straight garbage." I continue reading.

"Love is the flower of time and every petal that falls is an eternal moment without you."

"Jesus Christ, what'd you do? Go to a greeting card store?" I stare at the letter and crumpled it up.

I go to my room and sit at my desk with a clean sheet of paper and a pen.

Why are you doing this?

I start to write.

I have finally built up the courage to write this letter for you. I don't know why I feel so shy around you. If it were anyone else, I would've already asked them out. Not sit at my desk at night, wracking my brain with ways to impress you. I couldn't even explain to you how good it feels to look up across a room and see you standing there. There is a magical simplicity to your walk, a careless beauty that sings to me, eyes that pierce the air around me, and a hidden magic that inspires me to write these words. If you would give me the time of day to feel your lips against mine, I would die a happy man.

I folded the letter up and sealed it in the envelope that had Pony's original letter in. I look up at the picture of Ponyboy on my desk.

"I'm doing this for you, asshole." I said and I got up and head to Valerie's to give her the letter.

Later that day - Norah's POV

"If you would give me the time of day to feel your lips against mine, I would die a happy man."

Valerie says as she finishes reading the letter and is in awe.

"Wow, I'm in love. I think this is the most beautiful letter I've ever read in my life. And pretty much the only letter someone has ever written to me. Not even Noah does things like this for me. But this, is so... you've gotta tell me who wrote it Nor."

"I can't." I simply told her.

"But you're my best friend Norah. Goddamn it, tell me who wrote it." She said anxiously.

I shook my head, "I promised I won't tell, I'm sorry."

She was getting pissed.

"Who wrote the fucking letter?!" I stood up from my seat.

"I think it's time for me to go."

"Norah, how can you stand in the way? I could very possibly be extremely in love with this person. I mean he's obviously in love with me." That sting me a little. More like a whole lot!

"What about Noah, Val?" I questioned.

"Well what about Noah?" She replied.

"I thought you guys were pretty serious, I mean you did boffed his brains out." I mumbled the last part, but she heard what I said.

"Who told you that?" She asked sounding irritated.

"You know Dallas Winston? Bad boy, Pony's friend?" I told her, trying to jog her memory.

"That asshole!" She said

"Well, anyways, you're with Noah." I said walking up to the front door.

"So what? I don't see anything getting serious between me and-"

I opened the front door and there stood Noah.

-Noah." She said in a cheery voice.

"Hey, Noah." I said exiting Valerie's house.

"Hey Norah." He said back.

"Bye Val." I said before I shut the door and head home.

Oh, what have I gotten myself into?

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