The Messenger

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The next morning - Ponyboy's POV

Dear Valerie,
You are so

Shit. This is gonna be a long day.

Norah's POV

First day of summer vacation and I'm stuck at home. I'm not stuck where I can't go anywhere or do anything, I just choose not to. So here I am sitting outside on my balcony, strumming my guitar trying to write a song.

I've been writing and playing since I was eight years old. I was always fond of music and I wanted to learn how to play the guitar so my parents signed me up for lessons and writing just came naturally after my breakup with Dally.

I was flooded with emotions and inspiration. No one knows about it except my parents and Pony. He barged in my room one time and heard me.

Here's what I have so far..

Somebody give me
Somebody tell me the answers
Me and you isn't the answer
Me and you isn't
Maybe I'm tellin myself that
But there ain't nothin that'll change that
What good would it be, if I knew how you felt about me?

Still needs work. As I continue to strum my guitar, I hear the phone ring. I get up and answer it.

"Eden residence, Norah speaking"

"Hey, it's me. I finished my letter, let's meet at Dingos." Ponyboy said at the end of the receiver.

"Yeah sure. When?" I asked him.

"Like.. now." He replied.

"Okay. See you in 5?" I hung up the phone and changed into decent looking clothes because my pajamas was not gonna cut it.

 See you in 5?" I hung up the phone and changed into decent looking clothes because my pajamas was not gonna cut it

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Something simple, as always.

I head downstairs and left a note on the fridge letting my parents know I went out. Before I left, I saw an envelope with my name on it. It's from Juilliard. I tear the envelope open and read the letter.

Dear Ms. Norah Eden,
We are pleased to inform you that you've been accepted to our summer program for the arts. Admissions will be held on the fifthteen.
- Juilliard, Board of Director

I got in! I've signed up the beginning of junior year and I finally got accepted! Hard work does pay off. I grabbed the envelope and my house keys and locked everything up and head outside to meet Pony.

I decide to walk to his house since it's right next door. I head inside since they leave the door unlock and I see all the guys there watching Mickey.

"Hey guys." I said to them.

"Hey Norah." They all replied.

"Not to sound rude, but what are you doing here Nor?" Sodapop asked me.

"Pony and I are heading over to Dingos to hang out for a bit." I told him. He pulled me into the kitchen.

"What's up?" I asked him, curious as to why we're in here.

"Did you tell Pony yet?" He's referring to my crush on Pony. He's the only one in the gang that knows, only because he read my journal, but I caught him. I think Darry suspects it too, but not so much.

I looked down, "no."

"Well when are you going too?" He asked me.

"Never, he's too far up Val's ass to notice me." I told him.

"That's not true."

"Yes it is. He even told me himself that he would never date me because we are too good of friends and that's all we'll ever be. Face it, I'm always gonna be second to him." I sat down at the dining table, about to cry, but I wiped them away before they can escape my eyes.

"... Were you the one who left that letter in his locker?" How did he know about that?

"We found it with Pony's books yesterday." He said, answering my thought. I looked down, I couldn't answer him verbally. So I just nodded. He held my hand.

"Pony's gonna realize sooner or later. He might be too late, but whatever happens just remember to not let this ruin your guys friendship. It's too precious for it to break." My head was still down and I just nodded at him. He stood up and pulled me up with him and hugged me. I hugged him back, but tighter.

"You're gonna be okay, kid." He said, we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. We pulled away and saw Ponyboy standing in front of us.

"You ready to go?" I nodded and we walked out the door.

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