Last Day Of Junior Year

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Norah's POV

The bell is about to ring so I gotta make this quick since no one is in the halls. I seal the envelope real good and slip it in Ponyboy's locker.

After school - Ponyboy's POV

The bell rung signaling its time to head home. Today was the last day of junior year, now it's summer vacation! This will be the year Valerie will be mine. I've been trying to get her to go out with me, but she only sees me as a lowlife greaser who has his nose stuck in books. I walk to my locker and clear it out. I see an envelope with my name on it, never seen it in my locker before. I'll open it when I get home. I stuffed it in my copy of Gone With The Wind and headed towards the exit.

I walk to the science building ahead to meet up with Norah and Valerie. Norah and I have been best friends since grade school, we're practically joined at the hip. We do everything together, it's kinda hard not too since we're next door neighbors and our parents were good friends. We practically live with each other like siblings but in separate houses.

I hide behind a wall and peak and see Norah and Valerie coming my way, so me trying to act cool, I walk backwards and purposely bump into them.

"Hey girls." I said.

"Hey Pony." Norah says to me. Valerie rolls her eyes and replies, 'hi.'

"You girls walkin home? I'll come with." I told them, squeezing in between them and putting both of my arms around them as we walk.

Valerie rolled her eyes at me and removed my arm from her shoulder. We continued to walk off campus.

"What are you ladies doing tonight? Any plans?" I asked them curiously.

Valerie shrugged, "not much."

Norah replied, "bucks having a party tonight and Dally invited us to go."

How could I forget about the party?! Darry probably won't let me go, he's always strict when it comes to me and not Soda. He's gonna say I'm too young to be going to a party and I can't go by myself with the Socs hanging around our side of town.

"Oh yeah, bucks party. I forgot that was tonight." I replied.

"Are you going?" Norah asked me.

I shrugged. "You know how Darry is, with the Socs around he don't want me stepping foot out the house unless it's for school." Norah nodded, understanding where I was coming from.

She's had her fair shares of Darry being hard on her too. When her parents go on business trips, she would casually stay at my house with Darry and Soda and since Darry is practically our guardian, he wouldn't allow her to do things on her own as well.

As we continue to walk home, a car pulls up beside us. It's Noah Williams, Valerie's so called boyfriend.

"Hey beautiful, need a ride?" He asked Valerie, but before she could respond, I but in.

"No thanks Noah, I'll just walk." I said jokingly.

"Oh Ponyboy, you're so mature. See you tonight Norah." Valerie said as she hopped into Noah's car and drove away. So now it's just Norah and I.

"So slick, you gonna ask Darry if you can go to the party?" She asked me. "I bet if you tell him I'm going, he'll be easy on you and let you go."

She does have a point. If Darry doesn't let me go places by myself, Norah usually follows me. I might just do that.

"You know, I might just do that." I said as I laughed, Norah joining me.

"Does Val really like that guy?" I asked Norah. They're best friends so she has to know all the details.

"They've been together for a couple months now, this is the longest thing she's had with a guy. I would assume she likes him." She said.

"Oh yeah? And since you're so intelligent in the 'love department,' what about you?" I asked her. Norah only gone out with one guy, Dally. Not the best choice, but they seemed to work out for a bit until Dally cheated on Norah with Sylvia.

"Me? Well I have no standards, you saw how my last and only relationship turned out. Heck, I would even go out with you." She said laughing.

"Norah, we've been friends for too long. And besides, I do have standards, so 'us' will never happen." I emphasize the 'never' because I don't see us ever dating. That's just weird, she's like my sister.

Another car pulls up behind us. It's two-bit with dally and Johnny. What do they want?

"Hey greaser, looks like you need a haircut." Dally said, acting like he's a soc.

"Get in." Two-bit said to me.

"Alright, shut your trap. Later Norah." I said to her, she waved at me. I hopped in the car and we drove to my house. I felt a little bad that I left Norah by herself since the Socs. I hope she carried her blade today.

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