Bucks Party

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Norah's POV

I'm getting ready for Bucks party right now.

Something simple, I'm not one to wear fancy dresses and get all dolled up

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Something simple, I'm not one to wear fancy dresses and get all dolled up. I hear a honk from outside, I move my curtain to the side to see who's that. Valerie and Noah. I grab my house keys and head out the door.

"Mom, dad I'm heading out. Love you both." I yelled from downstairs and closed the front door, hopping in the car.

"You ready?" Valerie asked me as I buckled my seatbelt. I nodded at her and Noah drove to bucks.


Ponyboy's POV

As the gang and I pull up to bucks bar, we scope out the parking lot for Noah's car.

"There's the car." Dally said as he pointed to it across the way, "they're here already." We all get out the car and head inside. I stayed close to Soda since he's watching me tonight. The gang split up as we walked in.

"Where is she?" Soda shouted at me since the music is blasting in this place. I look around for Valerie, but it's difficult to find her because it's so crowded. I spotted her on the other side of the bar by the staircase. I tapped Sodas shoulder and pointed at her.

"Right there." I said to him. He looks in the direction my finger is pointed at. I don't see Norah with them, weird, she said she was gonna be here tonight. I looked around for her, but didn't see her anywhere.

"You better make a move on her quick, he's got his hand on her ass." Soda said to me. I looked back at Valerie and Noah.

"That should be my hand."

"Woah, slow down there Pony. That's the hormones talking." He said as we walk to the bar and Soda asks for a beer.

We stand there and scope the place out, but my eyes couldn't stop looking at Valerie. Oh, how I wish that was me with her. I see Noah walking away from Valerie, leaving her by herself. Sodapop nudged me.

"Nows your chance, go talk to her. Work your charm." He said. I pop the collar of my dress shirt and walk up to her. She sees me and looks a bit uncomfortable.

"Hi Val."

"What are you doing here, Ponyboy?" She asked me. Time to put on the charm, if I even have. Get flirty with her.

"I got a letter today. A real nice one." I said, backing her up to the wall behind her.

"That's nice Ponyboy." She says, trying to move away from me.

"When we're near, emotions erupt like fireworks in my body." I said, my face close to hers. She looks at me with confusion.

"What did you just say?"

"I said when we're near, emotions erupt like fireworks in my body. But I can't fathom those feelings to touch you the same way. I'm madly in love with you, and I wish you reciprocate those feelings as well one day." I said again, leaning my forehead against hers. She looks me in my eyes with terror, probably scaring her by what I'm saying.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I hear someone say behind me, I move away from her fast as I see Noah standing in front of us.

"What am I doing? Well it's a party Noah." I told him.

"I meant, what are you doing with my woman?" He said getting in my face. I gulped. I'm fucked.

Norah's POV

This party is boring. I wanna go, but Val's my ride home and it's too dark out to walk by myself. I walk up to the bar and ask Buck for a pop. I hand him the money and I feel someone's hands on my waist.

"What are you doing, sitting here by yourself?"

I know that cologne from anywhere. Dallas Winston. We dated for a while, he was my first boyfriend. He was a dream, even for a bad boy. Until he called me a prude because I wouldn't sleep with him and instead he cheated on me with Sylvia.

I took his hands off my waist, "what do you want Dal?"

I turned around and face him.

"What do you say we get back together. I been missing you." He said pulling me close to him. I put my hand on his chest.

"I don't think so. You cheated on me with that broad Sylvia and I don't go back with two timers." I told him, but Dally being Dally, he doesn't like the word no.

"That was nothing, she meant nothing to me. It's you I want." He said, trying to butter me up. It's hard to resist his charm.

He started to lean in and his lips landed on mine. I kissed back for a few seconds then realize what's happening and pulled away.

"What we had is done with, besides I have my eye on someone else." I told him and walked away.

I pushed my way through the crowd trying to find Valerie, letting her know I wanna go home. I spot them a few feet away from me and I see Noah and Pony face to face. This can't be good. I slide my way between them to break them apart.

"Hey Pony, there you are. I've been looking all over for you."

"Did you invite him?" Noah asked me.

"He's a great dancer Noah. Here's a great song, let's dance Pony!" I said as I pulled him away from Noah and head to the dance floor.

"Thanks for saving me."

"Anytime, what are friends for."

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