The Reveal

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The next day - Ponyboy's POV

I stayed up till late last night trying to perfect my letter. I read it one more time before sealing the envelope.

Jesus, I hope she likes it. I suck at writing.

I head downstairs and Soda stopped me.

"Hey Pony, where ya headed?" He asked me. I showed him the envelope.

"I'm headed to Norah's, I'm gonna drop off my letter to her so she can give it to Valerie." I told him trying to leave, but he stops me.

"Lemme do that for ya." He said, but before I could say anything, he grabbed the letter outta my hand and head on out.

Norah's POV

Day.. two of summer vacation? Or is it three? I lost count. Day whatever of summer vacation. I'm still working on my song. I got the first verse done already and I just came up with the pre-chorus.

Somebody give me
Somebody give me the answers
Me and you isn't the answer
Me and you isn't
Maybe I'm telling myself that
But there ain't nothin that'll change that
What good would it be if I knew how you felt about me

It could've been right, but I was wrong
Only think bout you when I'm alone
The part of me that cared inside is gone
And I know that I can't get caught up

I hear the doorbell ring.

Well who could that be? It's probably Pony with his stupid letter, but I told him to leave me alone. Boy will be boys and never listen.

I head downstairs and answer the door. It's Sodapop.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He showed me the envelope and I rolled my eyes and took it from him. I was about to shut the door, but he stopped it with his foot.

"What is it, Soda?"

"Look, about yesterday and what you said, it got me thinking. You're right, if you're meant to be with Pony then it'll happen, but if it doesn't then you try to move on. And if I was meant to be with Sandy, then she'll still be with me. But she's not, -" I cut him off.

"Where is this going Soda?" He took a deep breath.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" I stood there in shock, I don't think I heard him correctly.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked him.

"I know it sounds crazy, but c'mon it wouldn't be that bad. I mean we're both going through things rn and I feel like we should be each other's shoulder to cry on. So what do you say?" He pleaded, holding both my hands.

"Fine, one date. We'll see how it goes." I gave in and he jumped in the air all happy.

"Alright, Pepsi-cola settle down. Now you need to leave because I have to deliver this junk mail for your brother." I shoved him out my house and closed the door. I head upstairs and open the envelope and read the letter.

Jesus! This is crap!

I threw it away and wrote a new one.


"Jesus." Valerie said in a lovesick puppy kind of tone, like she's under a love spell or potion right now. Makes me sick.

She's laying on her bed, feeling all gushy by reading the letter that I wrote.

"Please, Nor, you gotta tell me who this is." She asked me. I was sitting in front of her mirror and I looked at her through it.

"Oh, alright. You wanna meet him tonight?" She nodded and I grabbed her phone and called the Curtis house.

"Hello." Reluctantly, Pony answered.

"It's me. Do you wanna meet her tonight?"

"Tonight? You mean tonight, tonight?"

"That's what I just said."

"Yeah, sure, okay. Does she know who I am?"

"No, that's why she wants to meet you dingus."

"I'm ready. When and where?"

"8 'o clock, Crutchfield park."

"Thanks a lot Norah. Thank you so much, what should I wear?" I rolled my eyes.

"A paper bag over your head." And I hung up the phone. I looked at Valerie through the mirror again.

"He's all yours tonight." She jumped outta her bed and head towards her closet.

"Thank you so much Nor! You're really my best friend. What should I wear?" She asked me. Like I would help you.

"Something demure." I told her. Her being the dumb girl didn't get what I said.

"Oh, Christian Demure. I got tons of her stuff." I shook my head. Oh Val, you airhead.

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