Asshole Of The Year

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Dallas' POV

"Can you imagine what they're doing right now?" I said to everyone as we sat and laid around the living room in silence.

"Unbelievable." Norah said and she gets up and gets another drink in the kitchen.

The guys started throwing things at me.

"What?" I said to them.

They pointed up to the ceiling and then to the kitchen.

"Ohh, right." I said and laughed.

The guys shakes their heads at me.

Ponyboy's POV

Me and Val are naked in bed making out, me on top of her. and it's the best night/time of my life.

"Now, Pony." She moaned out. I tried to slip it in, but she cried out.

"Ow." She said.

"What's the matter?" I asked her.

"Nothing. Just, move down a bit." She said.

So I did as she said and we started kissing again and I tried inserting myself in her, but she cried out again.

"Val, what's wrong?"

"It hurts!" She screamed.

"What do you want me to do?" I questioned her.

"Do it right."

"I thought I was." She wiggled around under me.

"Here, try again." She told me.

"This isn't gonna work." I said to her, attempting to get off of her, but she stopped me.

"Yes it is. Try it again." I got off of her and rolled to the end of the bed.

"I don't want to." I started putting my clothes back on, she started throwing a fit on the bed, still laying down.

"What are our friends gonna think if we don't do it?" She said.

Is she serious right now?

"I don't give a shit what they think." I argued with her.

"Well, I do. I told a lot of people about this. Ugh, my reputation is gonna be ruined if they find out. I can't believe I almost went through with this with you. We are soooo over." She said to me, while putting her clothes back on. Like that's gonna hurt me.

I started to fake cry.

"Fine by me!" I yelled and got up to leave the room, but before I could, Val grabbed my arm.

"Pony, now when you get down there you act like it was the best experience you've ever had. I don't want anyone to know about this.. ever." She said, putting on a fake smile and walking down the stairs.

I glared at her from behind and walked down. As we got to the bottom steps, everyone was staring at us.

"Hey guys, look who's back." Dally said.

Val spoke up.

"Thank you all for making Ponyboy's birthday such a fabulous success." She said as she exited the front door.

"No problem." Dally said as everyone raised up their drinks, except Norah.

I got off the stairs and noticed Norah sitting there looking sad.

"Thanks Nor." I gave her a small smile and left to drop Valerie off home.

Norah's POV

"Okay, party's over. You can either stay the night in the living room or go home. At this point, I really don't care." I said to the gang as I start cleaning up the house, feeling tired. Everyone got up and started heading out the door, except for Soda who was helping me clean up.

"You know, you don't have to stay and help me clean up. I can do it myself." I told him.

"I know, but I want to. You need someone right now Nor." He said as he grabs the trash out of my hand and throws it away for me.

"I don't need anyone Soda, I'm fine on my own. Always have, and always will be. Look at me, I turned out pretty great on my own." I exclaimed to him.

"You're right, you're absolutely right." He said. He grabbed two sodas and opened them both up and gave me one.

He raised it up and I followed his movement.

"To hell with guys, you don't need them. They're trash. You're better on your own." He said and clinked our cans together and drank his. I laughed at him and drank mine.

We finished cleaning up the living room and ended up on the couch watching tv. As Sodas attention was to the tv, I turned to look at him. I started to admire his features. His hair, his eyes, his cute nose, and his luscious lips.

Oh god, what is going on with me? I shouldn't be thinking like this.

My thoughts were interrupted by Soda looking at me now.

"You okay?" He asked me, I nodded.

"I just wanted to say thanks for staying and helping me clean up." He put his right arm on my shoulder and squeezed me to his side and kissed my forehead.

As he looked down into my eyes, I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back and I crawled on his lap. He started kissing my neck and unbuttoning my blouse. I moaned and leaned my head back so he has more access to my neck.

He successfully undo my blouse and took it off of me, revealing my bra. He kissed down from my neck to my chest and then on my breasts. I grabbed a fist full of his hair and pulled on it. But we were annoyingly interrupted by the ring of the doorbell. I chose to ignore it, but Soda stopped kissing my body.

"You gonna get that?" He asked me.

I shook my head.

"Ignore it." I said to him and started kissing him so he would forget about it. But the person kept ringing the bell, so I pulled away and got irritated.

I got up from his lap and put my blouse back on and buttoned it halfway.

As I open the door, it revealed Pony.

Oh boy.

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