The Reveal Pt. 2

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Ponyboy's POV

Man, I'm nervous. I don't know if I can go through with this.

"Wow, Mr. hot shot. Where are you heading off to?" Soda asked me as he entered our room and seen me getting dressed.

"I'm meeting Valerie tonight, I'm finally telling her that I wrote her the letters."

"Well good luck with that." He said, leaving the room. I look at myself in the mirror one last time before heading downstairs.

As I reached the bottom, the gang was staring at me.

"How do I look?" I asked all of them.

"Decent enough for Valerie Emerson, I guess." Steve told me.

" I still can't believe you got her falling for you all from a bunch of letters." Dally said. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, I'm heading out."

"Just be back before 11 or else I'll have to skin ya." Darry said.

"Go get her, tiger!" Two-bit hollered as I walked out the front door.


As I make my way to Crutchfield park, I see Valerie sitting on a bench. I walk up to her.

"Hi Valerie." She looks at me with a hint of disgust.

"Hi Ponyboy."

"How are you?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Look, Ponyboy, I'm waiting for someone, okay? So if you don't mind." She said shooing me away. I laughed.

"Yeah well, it's me." I told her, she looked at me with confusion.

"Whats you?" She questioned me.

"I'm the one you're waiting for."

"Pony, I'm really not in the mood, okay?" She said, still not believing me.

"I wrote the letters, the ones Norah gave you. I wrote 'em." I said to her and she looked shocked.

"You?" She said pointing at me and I nodded.

She turned away, "holy shit!"

Norah's POV

I was sitting in my room, trying to finish my song. I'm up to the chorus now. Halfway there, close to being done.

Somebody give me
Somebody tell me the answers
Me and you isn't the answer
Me and you isn't
Maybe I'm tellin myself that
But there ain't nothin that'll change that
What good would it be if I knew how you felt about me

It could've been right, but I was wrong
Only think bout you when I'm alone
The part of me that cared inside is gone
And I know that I can't get caught up

We could've been
And we try to pretend
Every now and again
We don't dream about, don't think about what
We could've been
Though I'm holdin it in
Cause I know in the end
You dream about, I think about what
We could've been
We could've been
We could've

I hear knocking at the door. What now? I head downstairs and answer it, it's Soda.

"And to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence, sir Sodapop Curtis?" I said laughing as he's all cleaned up and dressed all nice.

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