Unexpected Birthday Surprise

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Norah's POV

Today is Ponyboy's birthday, which also means his party as well. Right now I'm helping Valerie set up the decorations and food at my house. Johnny, Two-bit, and Soda are here lending their extra hands and putting up some of the decorations that's too high for us girls to reach.

"Hey guys, it's looking good over here." Dally said, coming in through the front door with the beers.

He and I made amends the other night, he stopped by my house and we talked everything out. I told him the truth about the whole fiasco of me and Pony and also me and Soda. He's cool with it, even though he still wants to be with me.

"Hey Dal, could you help me with this?" I was trying to pin up this 'happy birthday Ponyboy' banner up but one side slouches while the other side is straight. I'm on my tippy toes, but it ain't working.

"Yeah, sure." He said, grabbing the side of the banner and putting it up straight.

"Thanks." I gave him a smile. I head to the kitchen to grab the checklist I made and check off everything that's done.

"Food, check. Drinks, check. Decorations, check. Cake, check. Candles, check. Birthday boy, uncheck." I said as I go around the house and observing if everything is accounted for.

"I'm heading out Nor, Pony and I are going on a date then coming here." Valerie said to me as she's collecting her belongings.

"Alright, everyone will be here by then." I told her as she left.


The guys and I hide in the dark as we hear the front door open. We see the light turn on and we yell "surprise!"

"Happy birthday Ponyboy." We shouted as two-bit turned the music on and we all started dancing.

Soda grabbed me and we started dancing with each other for a bit. Our friendship is kinda all over the place. One second we act like friends, the next we act like a couple. I'm honestly fine with it, because we don't let our actions jeopardize our friendship in anyway.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and his around my waist. I pulled him closer and kissed him, not caring if any of the guys were looking at us.

I pulled away and told him I'm heading to the kitchen to prepare the food and cake for everyone.

As I'm getting everything ready, Daly comes in the kitchen.

"What do you want Dal?" I asked him. He leans against the fridge.

"You know, Nor, this whole things kinda weird. You know, Pony and Val going out. And you with all these emotions for him, while you have to see them together. And you and soda, that's a trip." He said shaking his head. I rolled my eyes and he continued talking.

"And now she's throwing him this big party. And, you know, for a present, I heard she's gonna.." He stopped talking. I turned to look at him.

"She's gonna what?" I questioned. He stayed silent.

"What is she gonna give Pony?" I said again.

"Look, if I tell you, you gotta promise not to tell anybody." I sighed and turned away and continued what I was doing.

"Oh I don't care, forget it." I said walking away with the pan of food. He grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Alright, I'll go ahead and tell ya. Later tonight she's gonna..." He took a pause. I looked at him to tell him to get to the point.

"Well they're gonna do it. She's gonna go all the way with him. Some present, huh?" I just look at Dally and walk out the kitchen with everything.


"Happy birthday dear Ponyboy, happy birthday to you." We all sang to him as he blow out his candles. It was slowly getting late, Darry went home early because he has work in the morning. So it was just me, Valerie, and the gang at my house.

As I go to cut the cake, I see Valerie and Ponyboy head on upstairs, leaving me and the guys in the dining area with the cake.

The guys looks towards me.

"Unbelievable." I said as I head in the kitchen to make myself a drink.

And no, not punch or pop, an alcohol beverage.

Soda walks in the kitchen and I look at him distraught.

"Come here." He said as I rush into his arms and start to break down and cry.

"It's gonna be okay, forget Pony." He said, trying to comfort me. I pulled away from his embrace and wiped my tears away.

"You know what Soda, I'm gonna be fine. Because after tonight I'm no longer gonna be here." He looked at me with confusion.

"What are you talking about Nor?" He asked.

"I don't know if Pony told you guys or if he forgot to, but tomorrow I'm heading to New York for a summer music program I got accepted to at Juilliard." I explained to him. He looks at me with sorrow.

"What about Pony, Norah?" He said, I got slightly irritated.

"Oh please, what about Pony?" I said crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"He cares about you."

"Soda, don't try to guilt trip me into staying because it's not gonna happen. You can say whatever you want, but I'm not gonna take anymore crap from Pony anymore. I've dealt with him for too long. And what has he done for me? Nothing. It's always him, him, him. But, oh I'm sorry that's my fault, right?" I yelled at him and he had nothing to say. So I left him in the kitchen by himself.

I just want this night to be over.

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