The letter

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Ponyboy's POV

As two-bit parks the car and the fellas and I head in the house, I see everyone's here. I set my book on the low table and head to the kitchen to get me a pop.

"Hey Ponyboy, how was your last day of school.?" Sodapop asked me.

"It was alright, I guess. Nothing new, just a farewell. Onto senior year now." I told him. As I walked back in the living room I see the guys going through my book and found the envelope I stored in there.

"Well, what do we have here?" Two-bit said. I reached out to grab it, but Steve and Dally was blocking my way.

"Hey guys, give me that." I told them. "Give me the envelope." They passed it around for a bit then gave it back to me.

"The envelope sir." Steve handed me it. I examined the envelope and it's been open with nothing in it. I look back at the guys and they're reading it.

"You guys are assholes, you know that." I said trying to grab it out of Dally's hand, but I failed.

"Shit! Listen to this." He said and continued, "I can't always explain my feelings the way I want you to understand. That's why I'm writing this letter. Sometimes when we're near, there are feelings and emotions I feel rushing through my body and erupt like fireworks."

"Woah, radical!" Johnny said as Dally continued reading.

"But I can't always fathom those feelings to touch you the same way. I'm madly in love with you, and I wish you reciprocated those feelings as well one day. Xoxo secret admirer." Dally finished reading the letter and I looked at him with shock.

"Hey Pony, who wrote this?" He asked me.

"I don't know, I haven't seen the letter yet." I said as I ripped the letter away from him and examined it. Wow, I can't believe someone's in love with me. What if it's Valerie?

"I bet I know who you wish it's from." Two-bit told me.

"Oh yeah, who."

"Valerie Emerson." Johnny cade said to me.

"No way. She's with that Noah guy."

"That's what she wants you to think. When they want you the most, that's when they want you to think they want you the least." Two-bit explained while taking a bite outta the chocolate cake on his plate.

"Hold on guys. Somebody's in love with Ponyboy and we don't know who it is." Steve acknowledged.

"Why would a great girl like Valerie, go out with a yahoo like him?" Dally said as I glare at him. Soda slapped the side of Dally's head as he joined in the conversation.

"What makes you guys so sure Val wouldn't go out with my kid brother?" Soda asked the guys.

"Have you seen her? She's a looker and he's.. well, not." Dally but in.

"Has she ever turned him down for a date?" Soda said.

"No, and that's because he never asked her out for a date." Johnny replied to Sodas question. I rolled my eyes at Johnny, thanks a lot. Sell out.

"Let's face it though, a girl like Valerie Emerson wouldn't ask him out, let alone be in love with him." Dally pointed out to the group. I just sit on the recliner away from them and read my book, not wanting to listen anymore.

"What if she's been waiting all year for Pony to ask her out." I heard Soda say.

"And I know how we can find out." Dally said. Everyone looked at him, waiting for what he's gonna say next.

"Bucks party, tonight!" They all cheered.

"One problem." I said to them, taking my eyes away from my book. They looked at me.

"Darry's not gonna let me go."

"You darn right I'm not. I don't need my kid brother getting drunk and doing things with women at a party filled with grown ups." Darry said to the gang.

Dally spoke up, "c'mon Darry, the gangs all going tonight. We'll watch him. It's only one party."

Darry stood there thinking and looked at me.

"You be home by 11." I nodded and the guys stood up and cheered.

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