The Second Letter

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The next day - Norah's POV

I headed over to Pony's house and let him know what happened yesterday at Valerie's. I walked in the house and scan the room and see Pony nowhere in sight.

"Hey, where's Pony?" I asked them. They all pointed upstairs. I nodded and made my way upstairs. I was a quarter way up the stairs when I heard two-bit say..

"Leave the door open now. We don't wanna hear from Pony that you boffed his brains out." The guys laughed at what two-bit said.

I took my switchblade out from my back pocket and head back downstairs. They all looked at me with fear as they see me holding out my switchblade against two-bits neck.

"You take that back before I splatter your brains out on this wall right here." He nodded vigorously and I put my switchblade away and head back upstairs.

I knock on his door before entering, in case he's changing. I see that he's on his bed reading Gone With The Wind.

"Hey, you." I said sitting on his bed beside him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm here to tell you about a certain someone who received a certain letter." He jolted right up and gave me his full attention.

"Did she like it?"

"Yes, Ponyboy."

"Did she say 'I really like it' ?" He said in a joking, flirtatious way. Oh, god.

"Pony, she loved it, okay." I said getting irritated.

"She loved it? Whoa! I ought to write her another one. What do you think?" He said getting all excited.

"I think this time you should give it to her, yourself." I said, over with this conversation.

I roll my eyes and get up and walk out. But right before I could, he grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.

"Hey, what's gotten into ya? Are you feeling okay?" He asked me with concern. I look in his eyes.

He doesn't care.

He's using you to get Valerie. He would never choose you.

"Yeah, I'm fine Pony. Just write your stupid letter, so you can leave me alone. Alright?" I said, yanking my arm outta his grasp and heading downstairs.

I stormed out the house and Soda came up to me.

"Norah, what happened up there?" He asked, grabbing my arm making me stop walking.

I tried my hardest not to cry.

"I don't know if I can keep doing this, for him. Just thinking about him with her hurts me and soon enough it's gonna kill me." I said to him as he pulled me into his embrace.

"It's gonna be okay. Things will get better." He told me. I pulled away from him.

"Oh, what difference does it make! They're gonna fall in love and have the time of their lives together and I'm just gonna sit on the sidelines as always." I raised my voice, honestly not caring if anyone could hear me.

"You don't know that, you don't know if they're gonna fall in love. Pony's barely a romantic, he's new at this, I bet whatever he wrote her was bland." He said, trying to make me feel better. I put my head down as I reevaluate what he just said.

"Soda.. they are gonna fall in love." I said softly, still looking down.

"No, you don't-" I looked up at him and put my hand up, signaling him to stop talking.

"Lemme stop you right there. Now I'm gonna tell you something.. and I don't know how you're gonna react, but the deed has been done and it can't be reversed." I started, "I threw out Pony's original letter he wrote to Valerie and I wrote a new one."

He looked at me with shock.

"Why would you do that?"

"Oh come on, if I gave Val the letter that Pony wrote her, she wouldn't even give him the time of day."

"But that's the point, she doesn't anyways to begin with, so why should she now? He's supposed to be with you Norah! Don't you get it?" He shouted at me. I looked down and teared up a bit.

I looked up into his eyes.

"You can't force someone to love you, even if you feel a certain way for someone. If it's meant to be, it'll happen. If it doesn't, you have to learn to move on."

"He'll come around, you'll see."

"I doubt that ever happening, Sodapop. But thanks for trying. Why do you think I went out with Dally?" I said walking away, heading inside my house.

Ponyboy's POV

Norah stormed out my room, I wonder what's eating her. Anyway, I gotta get this letter done. I sit at my desk and pull out all the greeting cards I bought at the store and start writing.

I hear yelling from outside and I look out my window and see Norah and Soda. What are they fighting about? I can't lose focus, I gotta write my letter.

I sit back at my desk and start writing. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and it's Soda.

"Hey Soda, you okay? I heard you and Norah out there. Is everything alright between you two?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah, we're fine. Don't worry about it kid." He said laying on our bed.

Now that got me thinking..

"Are you and Norah dating?" I asked, turning around in my chair facing him. He started to laugh at me.

"You're funny. No, me and Norah are just friends Pone. I actually never thought of her like that. Maybe I should, after her and Dally and after me and Sandy, I'd say we both need someone to lean on. I might just ask her out." He said closing his eyes. I faced forward and stared at the paper in front of me.

Okay, focus.

To my loving sweetheart...

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