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Ponyboy's POV

As I'm pacing in my room, the door flies open and Soda is standing in the doorway. So I pushed him with anger.

"How could you!" I yelled at him.

"I didn't do anything." He replied.

"You slept with Norah! She's my best friend."

"So what? She's my best friend too."

"But I love her!" Soda scoffed.

"You love her, since when? Because all I saw you doing was being up Valerie's ass while you pushed her to the side and I was there comforting her." I sat on my bed and processed everything that's been going on lately.

Soda continued talking. "And it's too late now, because she's leaving today. Did you know that? I bet you didn't." I looked up at him. What?

"Oh my god! Of course you don't know." He said, shaking his head in disappointment.

"I have to tell her how I feel." I said as I ran out the house. As I exited, I was stopped by Valerie. What does she want?

"Can't talk right now Val-" She stopped me before I could leave.

"I just wanna know one thing, Ponyboy." She said. She hands me a stack of paper, the letters I wrote her. "Where's the man who wrote these letters?"

"Val, I'm sorry, but I gotta be honest with you. I just uh-" I said as I examined the letters. Hold up, these aren't my letters.

"Whose are these?" I asked her.

"Oh, that's cruel Ponyboy, That's really cruel." She said to me. I'm still confused.

"Where'd you get these?" I asked her.

"From the man who I thought I loved." She explained.

"I didn't write these, these aren't the letters I wrote to you." I told her. She got really mad.

"You're such an asshole! You know when Noah gets a hold of you, I would hate to be in your shoes." And she left. I looked over the letters one more time, then ran back in the house to examine the letter that I got.

Norah! It was her, she wrote the letters! She loves me.

I threw the letters on my bed and ran out to the living room to tell the guys what I just found out.

"Norah loves me!" They just looked at me.

"We know." They all said at the same time and shook their heads.

"Why didn't any of you tell me?!" I shouted. I didn't give them a chance to answer, I just booked it out the door and to her house. Oh man, it looks like she already left.

"Darry, I need you to drive me to the airport. I need to tell Norah." He shook his head.

"No can do, truck's in the shop." He said. Damn. I looked at the guys.

"Can any of you guys help me out here?" I said, getting impatient. Two-bit stood up.

"I guess I'll help." He said as I rushed to his car, and sit in the passenger seat and Two-bit starts up the car and we leave.

"Do you even know which terminal her flights at?" Two-bit says as he's driving to the airport. I shook my head.

"Then how do expect to find her? You know the airport is filled with people everyday."

"Don't worry about me, I'll find a way. Just drive faster man!" I yelled at him as he stepped on the pedal.

As we reached the airport I jumped out and ran in. Just running in every direction that's in front of me, shouting her name.

"Flight # 3980 destination: New York is now boarding at Terminal 2, Gate 19." The intercom said.

That must be her flight!

I rushed to the terminal and ran to Gate 19 and there's a long time leading the entrance of the plane. I start shouting Norah's name throughout the line, hoping she hears me.

"NORAH!" I shouted and the people are telling me to be quiet, but I didn't care I kept shouting her name.

Norah's POV

"Bye sweetie, remember to call us when you get there. And be safe, don't talk to any strangers." My mom told me as I hugged him.

"I know mom don't worry." I said to her as I pulled away to hug my dad next.

"You have the pepper spray I got you, right?" My dad asked and I patted my bag, signaling to him that I have it.

"We love you." My mom said.

"I love you too." I said to them both before they left the airport and I walk to my terminal and make it to my gate just in time for boarding.

I wish Ponyboy was here to say goodbye. I know we're not on the best terms, but I still care for him.

"...Norah." I hear from a distance, it sounds like Ponyboy.

I'm probably just hearing things.

I hear it again.

"NORAH!" But this time it's closer. I turn around in line and see Pony from the distance.

I get out of line and he sees me and runs.

"Pony?" I said to myself.

"Norah, oh thank god I caught you in time." He said out of breath.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, confused. He stops to catch his breath.

"Don't leave, please Nor, don't leave me." He pleaded to me.

"I'm sorry Pony, but I have to." I said to him walking away, but he caught my hand.

"Please Norah, I beg of you. Don't leave.. Please don't leave me." He said, placing his forehead on mine and caress my cheek. I began to tear up as I look into his eyes.

I shook my head at him and stepped away from him.

"I have to go, I'm sorry." I said and let go of his hand and started walking to my gate.

"I LOVE YOU!" He shouted and I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

"What?" I said to him from a distance.

"I SAID I LOVE YOU! DO YOU LOVE ME?" He shouted at me.

"WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?" I shouted back at him. People looking at us weird.

"DO YOU LOVE ME NORAH?" He shouted again.

I paused and looked at him. He's looking at me, searching for a response, a reaction. Just waiting on me.

"YES!" I shouted towards him.

"WHAT?!" He said


"YES!" He shouted and he ran to me and picked me up and spun me around, I laughed. He set me down and kissed me and people was cheering and clapping for us.

We pulled away and smiled at each other.

"I love you Norah."

"I love you Ponyboy."

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