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DEIMOS gently held onto Faye's hand as she skipped alongside him, pointing out all her favorite rocks and plants. 

"Look at how pretty that is!" She pointed at one of the colorful flowers that lined the gravel path they walked on. 

"Almost as beautiful as you, little flower," he teased, making her blush and turn away from him. 

She happily walked alongside him, their hands swinging between them. Eventually, the two came across a small stream, the one that Faye loved to sit by and dip her toes in.  Faye sat down on the ground. 

"Be careful, baby," he warned, not wanting her to get hurt. Instead, she pulled off her socks and shoes before placing her feet in the stream and laughed. 

"It tickles," she looked up at him. 

"Is it cold?" He crouched down and placed his hand in the stream, feeling the water rush over his fingertips. 


The two sat and watched the stream for a while before Faye set her feet to dry and put them back in her shoes. 

"Where are we going?" 

The two walked alongside each other again, hands intertwined.

"Your mother packed us some food so we're going up the hill to eat," he looked down at the small girl. She nodded and began to stare at nature passing by. About thirty minutes later they finally made it to the top of the grassy hill, out of the forest. Deimos set down the bag he carried and undid the giant blanket Celine gave him. 

"Sit down, baby," he told her. 

She sat down and waited for her food. She crisscrossed her legs, sitting perfectly still awaiting him. He dished out some food for her, mostly crackers and fruits, before fixing his plate. 

"Here you go. Eat up," she thanked him for the plate. 

The two ate in mostly silence with Faye asking occasional questions and Deimos gently reminding her to not talk with food in her mouth (no matter how urgent the question is). Deimos had finished his food and looked over to Faye. She finished her strawberries and he couldn't help but notice she left her broccoli untouched. 

"Faye," he warned. She looked up at him innocently. "Eat all of it. Your mother packed it all." 

She looked down at her plate and back up at him guiltily. She then pouted her lip and made her eyes big. 

"I don't want to," she looked at him convincingly. 

"Don't look at me like that," she began her pleading eyes. "Love, don't," he knew he wouldn't win. 

"Please," she pleaded. 

He looked at her one last time before realizing he wouldn't win. "You have to eat 3," he said. 

She huffed and puffed, dropping her face. She stuck her tongue out at him teasingly. 

"Stai implorando che la mia mano ti illumini il culo (you're begging for my hand to light up your ass)," he grumbled. 

She just looked at him confused, not knowing what he said, but finished the small container of broccoli anyway. When finished, Deimos grabbed her dirty plate and put it away. He then lay down as Faye lay next to him. He began to stroke her hair; with the sun, his hand, and the perfect weather, Faye began to feel sleepy. She let out a big yawn and her eyes fluttered shut. 

"Shh, go to sleep, baby. I'll be here when you wake up," he spoke quietly in her ear.

And with that, she drifted off to sleep. 

FAYE awoke an hour later. She groaned and wiggled around, looking at Deimos who was also sleeping (although he always knows what's going on around him, he's a light sleeper). Deimos groaned and tightened his hold around her waist, stopping her from moving. 

"Hmm, good afternoon," he opened his eyes. 

Faye blushed and hid her face in his chest again. 

"C'mon, we have to walk back before dark," he said, pulling her up with him. 

He grabbed the bag as the sun was starting to set and it was getting darker. Faye looked nervously towards the forest, scared of going in there when it was getting dark. 

"Don't worry, mio cuccciolo (my pup), I'll protect you," he grabbed her hand and began to walk towards the forest. 

Faye remained silent through most of the walk, gasping every so often when she heard branches snap and the wind rustles through the leaves. A low growl began to emit from behind them, making Faye jump and attach herself to Deimos' side. Deimos stopped walking and turned around, hearing the growl. 

"Let's go, please," she begged him, not wanting to stay any longer. 

Deimos searched his eyes in the darkened forest before continuing. Faye was completely wrapped around one of his arms in an attempt to hide. The growl appeared again, this time louder. Faye hid her face in his side. He knew it was some form of wolf or animal, attempting to mark its territory and scare them out. 

"Come out," Deimos growled back. "Show yourself, monster." 

Faye whined, tears coming to her eyes. "I'm scared!" She shouted frantically, raising her arms to Deimos. 

He picked her up as she wrapped herself around his waist, hiding her face in his neck. The growl emitted again.

"I will tear you to shreds," Deimos spoke lowly. 

Once it was silent, Deimos turned around and began to walk out. Once he made it to the clearing where her house was, he gently set her down. 

Suddenly, a thumping sound was heard as branches were snapping. The growling got louder as Faye screamed and hid behind Deimos' massive body. 

Two bright yellow eyes peered out of the forest, right into Deimos. With a simple look in his eyes, the beast ran back into the forest, whimpering with their tail between their legs. 

"Coward," Deimos muttered under his breath, as Faye grabbed his arm and pulled towards the cottage.

"Please, let's go inside," Faye begged. 

Deimos glared at the creature who remained shrouded in the darkness. 

"Se hai il coraggio di avvicinarti di nuovo a questa casa, ti farò degli occhiali con la testa e dei tappeti con la tua pelle.  If you come near this house again I will make glasses out of your head and rugs out of your skin)," Deimos threatened to the dark forest. 

Faye physically flinched at the rough tone, knowing that she would be terrified to hear that. Finally free of any danger, Deimos turned around and picked up Faye again, her trembling body with unshed tears made his heartbreak. 

"C'mere," he muttered, watching tears silently stream down her face. It was apparent that some creature had been tormenting her for a while, this wasn't their first run-in.

"I wanna go home," she cried in his neck. 

He shushed her gently and brushed a hand down her hair. 

"Don't worry, my baby. I will always protect you," he pressed a kiss to her temple. 

She trembled and silently cried. Deimos shushed her and gently walked them back to the home. He entered the house as Celine was waiting in the kitchen.  She saw her daughter's shaking body and tear-stricken face. 

"My god, what happened?" She rushed over to her daughter. 

Deimos set down the bag and brushed his hand over her head. Faye only squeezed him tighter and hid her face in his neck. 

"It's time we talk about her going home," he spoke. 

Celine looked at him confused. 

Then he spoke again. 

"With me.

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