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DEIMOS stared down at his perfect Mate. The gentle rise and fall of her chest against the large comforter was something that kept her warm and safe. 

Safe. That's all he wanted for her. And now, with his father out, he knows his world is about to change. 

"Hm," Faye groaned a bit and flipped, hugging the bear closer to her chest. 

Deimos leaned down, pressing a kiss against the crown of her head before gently unraveling the blanket from her body. She had slept peacefully all through the night with him out making plans and now it was early afternoon, he knew it was time for her to wake up. 

"La mia bacca (my berry)," he whispered in her ear. "Time to wake up."  Faye yawned and stretched her arms, peaking open one eye after the other. A smile grew across her face at the sight of her Mate leaning over the top of her. 

"Hi," she mumbled. 

"Hi, baby," he whispered back to her. "Time to get ready." 

Faye nodded and let him pick her up, she was like a heater, all warm and soft against his own. The two made their way to the bathroom connected to the room. Deimos turned on the shower while Faye yawned and began to brush her teeth. 

"I if see a gain?" 

Deimos turned around to the sight of Faye with toothpaste falling out of her mouth, suds everywhere. 

"Baby, spit it out and then talk," he commanded. 

She spat and rinsed before turning around. "I get to see Celine again?" She asked. 

Deimos nodded. "Of course, but we have to get all clean first, right?" 

Faye nodded eagerly and began to discard her clothes on the side. Deimos watched her giggle and run into the warm water. She began to hum as she quickly washed. By the time she was done, Deimos was waiting with a warm towel as she ran into his arms. He cheekily dried her off, making her giggle every time he pinched her side. After she was all dried and washed, it was time for breakfast. Faye tightly wound her hand in his as the two trekked down the hallway. 

Deimos watched his perfect Mate skip lightly against the marble floors, her white sandals clicking at each hop. They rounded the corner, walking into a giant room of tables as many workers were dressing up with fancy clothes and decorations. 

"Ah, Faye," Faye turned to the sweet voice to see Celine standing by another worker, talking. Faye giggled and quickly pulled Deimos by his hand, tugging him along. 

"Don't pull on me, baby. Don't worry, I'm coming," Deimos warned. 

Faye adhered to his warning and eased off, still quickly walking over to Celine. 

"How are you, little angel?" Celine wrapped the girl in her warm robes that seemed to always adorn her perfect body. Her dark skin contrasted beautifully against the white of her attire. 

"Good! I had a bath and used one of the bath bombs so the water turned all pink and sparkly!" Celine chuckled and ran a hand down her hair. 

"That's wonderful," looking at the dark and overbearing presence behind her, Celine nodded toward Deimos. "Breakfast is ready in the dining room whenever you two are. I hope you're able to stay for tonight's celebration." 

Faye looked around, noticing the bright crystals and fancy decorations everywhere. "What's happening?" 

"Tonight is the celebration of our waxing moon. An important one in the Eternal Realm. Many from all around come to celebrate the power of our galaxies." 

"Wow," Faye whispered, stepping back into the chest of Deimos as he ran a hand down her hair and wrapped another around her waist. Faye's stomach grumbled, making her blush and hide her face. "Sorry," she whispered. 

"Nonsense, little one." Celine chuckled. "Go have breakfast and then Deimos can show you the gardens. I heard you're quite the plant lover." 

Faye gasped and nodded. "Let's go, let's go!" Faye cheered, pulling on Deimos' hand. 

"First, we need to eat, baby," Deimos spoke sternly. "Then, we can go." 

Faye nodded, eagerly pulling Deimos out of the celebration room before realizing she didn't know where the dining room was. Deimos gently grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers before pulling her along to the dining room.  Deimos sat her down before sitting right next. The large table was empty beside the two but they didn't mind. The gentle sound of music was heard throughout the castle.  Faye waited patiently for Deimos to cut her pancakes, thanking him when he was done. 

"What a good girl, hm? My good girl," he cooed, pressing a kiss against her temple. "My girl has such sweet manners, hm." Faye blushed and continued to eat her pancakes, nearly scarfing them down. She was so hungry that she disregarded her usual distaste for eggs and began to eat those fervently as well. 

"I finished!" she pushed her empty plate away. 

"Good girl," he spoke. "Eating it all. Now we can go to the gardens." 

Faye cheered and stood, grabbing Deimos' hand again, and wrapping herself tightly against his body. 

His large frame covered hers as he led her outside. Faye gasped at the wide arrange of plants, from tropical to wintery, trees, shrubs, house plants, and exotic all covering the large garden. Faye walked slowly by each one, placing her other hand in her mouth and chewing on her fingers. She would mumble words to herself, staring at each leaf in awe. 

"Don't chew, Principessa (princess)," Deimos warned and grabbed her hand, wiping it on his shirt and holding it tightly. 

Faye shook him off, running towards the flowers and other plants in the back. Bending over, she smelled each one, a smile adorning her face. 

Fuck, Deimos thought, staring at her butt in her dress. The wind picked up, making her lace underwear appear each time her dress lifted. Fuck, I can't wait to squeeze her cheeks and pull them apart as my cock is enveloped in her warm little puss-

"Look! A bunny!" Sure enough, there was a small rabbit in the vegetable garden, staring at the two. Deimos reached down and adjusted himself against his black slacks.

"Are you in pain?" Deimos looked down at Faye as she pouted. 

"No, baby, I'm okay," brushing a hand down her hair, he reassured her. 

"Then why is your thing hard again?" Pointing at his noticeable bulge. 

Deimos choked on his spit, unsure. 

"I-uh, It's okay, honey bee, I'm just a bit excited." 

But Faye wasn't listening. Because there, in the middle of the garden, she had dropped to her knees and began to unzip his pants.

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