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FAYE was a mix of nerves and excitement. On her first day at work, she never thought she would be able to go out on her own and do it. Deimos, on the other hand, was pure nerves. Leaving his Mate alone for even a few hours caused his knee to continue bouncing and his eyes to dart everywhere, looking for threats. Of course, he'd never admit to Faye that he was nervous, he knew that she watched him and mimicked his behavior.

"What do you do if someone is mean?"

Faye sighed at his question for what seemed to be the eighth or ninth time. "Call you and you will come to handle it."

Deimos nodded, looking over at her before looking back at the road. "Are you sure you're ready?"

Faye nodded eagerly. "I won't be alone."

Deimos knew she was ready: the girl was positively glowing in excitement. Deimos slowly pulled into the small parking lot and locked the doors.

"You have your lunch?" Deimos questioned. Faye nodded and shook the small bag lying on her lap. "Is that enough, what did you pack, what happens if you get hungry?" He began to grab her back to peer into it.

"Deimos!" She cried.

Deimos sighed and looked at Faye with adoration.

"Alright, puppy. I'm sorry, I know you're ready," he brushed her hair back from her face.

Faye leaned over, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips, Deimos groaned as she pulled away. Grabbing her neck, he pulled her back, positively devouring her in passion.

"Hm-," Faye whimpered. "I have to go or I'm going to be late," she whispered.

Deimos let her pull away. "Be good and don't forget I want updates, every hour? Understood, piccola (little one)?"

Faye nodded and blushed. "Y-Yes, Deimos."

"Good girl."

With one last kiss, Deimos unlocked the doors and watched his Mate skip her way inside the quaint pet shop.

DEIMOS' eyes were glued to the phone the rest of the day. Although he knew it was only half a day she would be gone, he was anxious.

After the third "All good here! Saw a cute puppy, his name was Tony! Can we get one?" He knew his girl had it down. With only one hour to go before she was done, Deimos figured he'd surprise her. Digging through the fridge, he looked for ingredients to make a meal for her hungry stomach.

"You know how to cook?"

Deimos growled and turned around, Lucifer standing in his kitchen.

"Why the hell are you here, you've already ruined enough," he grumbled and began to take out the cheese, pasta, bread, and sauce.

Lucifer raised an eye at the ingredients before shaking his head. "You're called back to Hell."

Deimos slammed down the pot of water on the stovetop, making the water splash out.

"No," he growled, his hands nearly ripping off the handles.

"I cannot fight it this time. Her Sovereignty requires a meeting."

As the Queen of Heaven, there truly was nothing he could do.

"And what am I supposed to do with my Mate, hm?" Deimos spoke sarcastically.

"Bring her with," Lucifer ducked as a glass jar was flung at his head. "I'm not cleaning that up," he grimaced at the glass.

"Are you insane?" Deimos was turning red, literally and figuratively. "Bring her with? I will slit your throat and watch you bleed from your eyes before I bring my Mate to Hell."

Lucifer knew the threat wasn't empty. "I didn't say the meeting was in Hell. This time, we're going upstairs, not down."

Deimos growled. Bring her with you? She has seen his true form and she accepted him. But would she be ready?

"The meeting is in two weeks. Either you're coming together or alone, either way, you're going to be there. I highly doubt you want Gabriel on your ass."

Deimos growled at the mention of the annoying archangel.

"And by the way, to make pasta, you have to turn the stovetop on-,"

"GET OUT!" Deimos threw the entire pot of water but Lucifer was already gone. "Bastard," he growled and bent down to clean up his messes before his Mate arrived.

Looking at the clock, he raced to his car and drove quickly into the small town, eager to see her shining face. Getting out and stepping into the shop, the sounds of birds whistling and puppies whining met his ears.

"Boo," he whispered to his girl who stood facing away from him, restocking the pet food.

"Deimos!" Faye cried and flung herself at Deimos, giggling when he twirled her around.

"My sweet," he latched himself to her neck, breathing in her scent and pressing a bruising kiss against her skin.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked as she pulled him over to the puppies sitting in the crate in the corner.

"First, you need to meet the new puppies," as they approached, Deimos saw a Doberman lying in the crate with all of her puppies lying around her, sleeping. "See," she whispered. "She was given up because people thought she was an aggressive dog but look at her, she's so sweet." Faye held out her hand as the mother puppy gave her gentle licks.

Deimos stared at his Mate in adoration. At that moment he made two decisions: she would be getting a dog and she would be joining him on his journey to Heaven. 

Besides, she was already an angel. 

"Now," Deimos pressed a kiss to her hairline and held out his hand, Faye eagerly grabbed it. "Let's go get some food in your stomach."

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