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DEIMOS was awoken by pots and pans. Glancing over at the clock near his nightstand he saw the time was early. 

He then glanced over to who he assumed was the cause of the noise of the morning, his Mate. Noticing her presence gone and in her place was a stuffed rabbit, he groaned and sat up. He quickly put on some sweatpants, tucked in their sheets, placing her stuffed rabbit on top, before making his way downstairs. 

Quiet rock music flowed through the kitchen, making him furrow his brows. It sounded like the music from his workouts. Turning the corner, he saw his Mate in front of the oven, squatting and looking in. Beside her was Blue, eagerly listening to her whispers. In an attempt to not scare her, Deimos quietly cleared his throat. 

"Oh!" Faye turned around, seeing her Mate standing over top of her. "Good morning!" She grinned sweetly. Her matching silk pajama set still adorned her body. She stood up and reached her arms up, wanting to put them behind his neck. 

"Morning, baby," he leaned down and captured her lips, letting her wrap her arms around him. He hummed into the kiss, before separating and pressing a series of small kisses around her cheeks and nose. 

Faye giggled and pushed him away. "Stop! You're getting me all dirty," she pushed at his cheek. Deimos growled and held tightly onto her neck, holding her close as he bent down to eye level. 

"My kisses are dirty?" 

Faye blushed and blinked her long lashes at him. "N-No! I put on a serum for my face! You're messing it up," she pouted at him. 

Deimos growled and leaned in, pressing a kiss against her ear before whispering. "Hm, well, I like my dirty little Ma-," 

"Uh!" She gasped and pushed him away, rushing over to the oven before opening the door. Quickly grabbing the oven mitt, she pulled out the fresh muffins she had made earlier. 

Deimos stared at his little Mate, groaning under his breath at his tightened pants, knowing the little tease didn't know what she was doing to him. Bending over in her small set, rubbing against him, moaning-,

"Hey! Try!" She held out a piece of muffin in between her fingers. Deimos leaned forward and captured it in his mouth, including her fingers. Sucking on them gently, she gasped, as he let go.  

"Delicious, baby." He held her against his warm body. "My little chef, hm?" Faye nodded eagerly and giggled. 

"I'm going to bring some for Maria! I wanted to get a new book too!" She looked at Deimos. 

Deimos nodded and pressed a kiss to her hair, moving away. "We'll both get ready and we can go, okay?" 

Faye nodded enthusiastically and Deimos went back upstairs to get ready. He paused on the stairs. "Is this my music?" He asked, forgetting it was playing in the background. 

Faye nodded and looked bashful. "I didn't know how to change it." 

Deimos chuckled and looked at her. "It's okay, baby. I'll change it." He quickly tapped into his phone and changed it into some classical. 

He finished getting ready and then called up Faye to do the same. She looked at her racks of clothes before a large hand shot out and grabbed a sweater off of the rack. "This one, baby," he murmured. She nodded and then moved over to pants, choosing some easy leggings to wear. She dressed and went into the bathroom, wiping off the serum, and applying some light makeup. She put her hair into a ponytail-braid and finished off with a sweet perfume. 

Deimos stood in the kitchen, a white dress shirt and slacks on his body. She stared at the man, watching as he finished latching the chain around his neck. He was truly a sight. He could say the same about her. The sweater dropped right below her butt, followed by her black leggings, and finished with some small Ugg boots. With the transition from spring into fall, she was beginning to wear warmer outfits and loved comfy shoes. 

"Ready, piccola rosa (little rose)?" She nodded and grabbed his hand, making sure she had her muffins tightly packed up. She said her byes to her sweet animals before following Deimos to their car.

She was so excited to get back to Maria and the shops in town. Deimos helped her into the car, making sure she and the muffins were secure, before pulling away. During the ride, Deimos laid his hand on her thigh, gently rubbing as she hummed along to the songs on the radio and asked him little questions. Pulling into the parking lot, she quickly unbuckled, excited to get inside. 

"Careful, baby," he warned, opening her door as she gathered the supplies in her arms and walked into the shop.  The door dinged above them as they entered, Maria yet to be seen. 

"Well, if the heavens betray me, is that you Faye?" 

Faye giggled and turned towards her voice, nodding enthusiastically. "Maria! I brought you muffins!" 

The older lady quickly wrapped Faye in a warm embrace. She gave Deimos a quick kiss on the cheek and then turned her attention back to Faye. 

"Muffins?" Faye nodded and handed off the container. "My goodness, these look delicious. Thank you, sweetheart." 

Faye giggled and moved back to Deimos, holding his hand. He looked down at his proud Mate and placed a kiss on her head. 

"I think I have something you'd like," Maria wiggled her eyebrows and led the two into the bookshelves, lined with books of all sorts. "Here," she pulled out a book and handed it to Faye. 

Faye gasped, letting go of Deimos' hand to latch onto the special addiction memoir. "Thank you," she whispered, looking at the book in adoration. 

"Of course, I know you've been waiting." Faye nodded. The three went back to the counter, so they could check out. "Please, it's on me. You've helped out truly and it's too much." 

Faye shook her head. "No, I can pay!" She reached into her pocket and grabbed out her wallet, holding bills. She placed them on the counter. Deimos was proud of his Mate, wanting to do the right thing. 

Maria sighed and shook her head. Looking up, Deimos stared at her, warning her. He wouldn't hesitate to cross the woman if she denied his Mate what he wanted, and at the time, it was to pay. 

"Okay, well, then I'll take that much, alright?" She still provided a great discount but took Faye's money. "I'll see you next week, yes?" Faye nodded and thanked her before walking out, holding her book to her chest. 

Deimos huffed, making Faye pause. He stopped and sighed. "I want to hold your hand," he murmured. 

Faye giggled at the large man beginning for her affection. To others, he invoked fear and terror but to her, he was nothing short of an angel (ironically). Faye gently cradled the book in one hand and held his large hand in her other. 

He led her back to the car to continue their shopping. Nearly two hours later, she was entirely shopped out and her blinks were becoming slower. Deimos noticed his tired Mate and bent down, picking her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, setting her cheek on his shoulder as he walked them back to the car. 

He set her in her seat before driving home. It was beginning to rain and the drops pelted against the car. "Sleep, baby," he let her cuddle his hand. "I'll wake you when you're well rested." 

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