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DEIMOS was furious. Or if there was a word for "more-than-furious," he'd be that.

"WHERE IS SHE?" He roared throughout the court, causing all angels in proximity to huddle under their wings and quickly move out of his way. 

"Deimos, listen-," 

"NO." He roared, looking at Celine who frowned. Her hand was frozen in the air, attempting to console him. "My Mate is missing. Gone. This isn't the work of anyone on that planet. It's my Father, I know it." 

Celine nodded and began to walk, Deimos following her. "We just heard. We have some angels on Earth, attempting to find his trail. All we know is he's been planning this for months." 

Months, Deimos thought. Back when I finally got to hold my Mate in my arms. He's been planning this for months. 

"I need an army. I need-," he paused, pulling at his hair. They stood in front of the large castle, looming overhead. 

Celine sighed. "We cannot send an army with you. The casualties may be too great. But I ensure you, we will work with you to find-," 

"Not good enough!" His horns grew out of his head, his eyes black and deadly, and his black wings framed his enraged posture. "My Mate is missing and you are unwilling to send me an army?" He hissed. 

Celine frowned. "Listen to yourself, what good is an army? She is with him, he doesn't need an army for defeat. I can assure you, you're all he needs for defeat." 

Deimos paused. "You've seen it?" He questioned. 

Celine could very well see snippets of the future. But that's all they were, snippets and at random. She couldn't see Faye's capture, she already pleaded truth to that. But she could see his father's death. 

"It's big. And surely, once he's dead, she will not see you the same again." 

Deimos paused. 


Celine motioned to his body. "Because of you." 

Faye sat huddled in the cold basement, laying on the cot for some relief from her cold body and the cold floor. 

"He's coming. Listen to him, think, and move. Only in that order," the guard whispered to her. He was hardly a friend, if he truly was a friend then he'd unlock her cell and let her walk away. But the reality of her brain picked at her, knowing that's not the easy fantasy she thinks it is. So, for now, he was a potential ally. Ally

The steps creaked, wooden and unfinished. Two black shoes came into view, followed by pant legs and an eventual torso leading to a face filled with a beard, and salt and pepper hair slicked back. But his yellow eyes shone, gleaming at her in a teasing manner. 

"Miss Faye, I presume," he spoke, his voice filling the quiet room. "You've certainly made it difficult to welcome you to our house. John tried his best to convince you, too bad it wasn't good enough. For you, and him." 

He grabbed a stool, pulling it over. Faye could see dried blood on his fingers as he grabbed the stool, she furrowed her eyebrows and began to shake. 

"W-What d-do you w-want?" She breathed out, proud of her bravery. 

He laid his elbows on his legs, leaning forward. "Your Mate." Faye's only acknowledgment was her furrowed brows. "I'm well aware you don't know who I am. Let me introduce myself. I'm Fallon, the original fallen angel. My son is-," 

"Deimos," Faye whispered, it clicking into place.

"Ah, well done! You've at least know enough, but say, do you know the full truth?" 

Faye looked at him, not making a move to show anything. 

"Well, I'll take your silence for an answer. I'm sure you've heard about Fallon, the fallen angel, in those fables you were told as a child if I'm correct. The ones that line your shelves, that you humans seem to love to relish in, pointing to our kind as if animals in a zoo. Well, sweetheart, I'm here to tell you we're real. And so is your Mate. He's not just a demon. He's the forgotten son of the king of demons. He's the true king, and he's to take the throne." 

Faye gasped. She knew Deimos was a demon, but the king? What was he doing on Earth? And why then, were they mates?

"That's where you come in, little bee." She frowned at his nickname. Only Deimos can call her those names. "See, my son, who threw his so-beloved father out of Heaven, cast him to purgatory to wander, he's growing weak. Weakened by you. So weak, that I was able to slip through the levels of fury and find my way up to you. The weakness. The distraction. La sua caduta (his downfall)." 

"I-I don't understand. Wh-What does th-that have to do wi-with me?" 

Fallon chuckled and leaned back, looking at his guard who stood stock still in front of his big metal cage that held the butterfly. 

"You'll get him back to me. And from there, he'll return to rule Hell the way he was intended. Strong, deadly, cold, ruthless." Faye shook her head. Deimos was none of those things. He was loving, kind, warm, and patient. 

"H-He won't go with you! He-He has m-me!" She grew agitated. "He l-loves me!" 

Fallon laughed once again. "Really? Then, if he did, you think he'd tell you of his birthright, hm? That he was to be the king, and now it's been sixty suns, it's time. Hell is growing restless, and he is to restore order. But he can't do that with the little Mate in the way." 

"W-What's in this for you?" Faye asked, attempting to unveil his plan. 

"Me?" He stood up. "You're catching on, smart girl. I get something simple: freedom. Once my son becomes king, all of his family, which is only me and his forgotten mother, receive unlimited pardons from all levels of power. No demon, no angel, no goddess, nor god, can touch me. I'll be free to plan as I choose. Plan the eventual downfall of the nations, leading Heaven into Hell's war, and becoming ruler of the nations. All of this done with my son by my side." 

Faye scooted back as Fallon walked towards her. "Now all I have to do is wait for your man to come running to me, and I'll show him the truth of his Mate. That after he's seen the power and kingdom he can have, he won't need you. And he'll join me." 

Faye only shook her head. "He won't." 

Fallon chuckled and leaned forward. "Oh, but I'll find, that he will." 

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