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DEIMOS walked out to the front with Faye following close behind. 

A matte black car sat on the gravel road, awaiting them. Deimos opened the passenger door and allowed Faye to slip in. Celine watched and waved as her daughter sat in the car. Deimos leaned down, grabbed the seatbelt, and pulled it over Faye. He then slid in next to her, adjusting his seat to drive. 

Faye waved enthusiastically at her mother, watching her disappear. As they pulled away, she watched her mother's figure become smaller in the side mirror. Faye stared out the window, watching the trees and her old town fade into the distance. 

What if I don't ever see my mom again? What if I don't like the new house? 

What if there are more monsters in the forest? 

What if I'm all alone? 

"Baby?" Deimos reached over and grabbed Faye's hand, squeezing. Faye looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Babygirl," he whispered. 

At that, she burst into tears, sobbing. Deimos panicked. What could she be crying about now? She was okay when they were saying their goodbyes. 

"My angel," he whispered stopping on the gravel road and turning towards her. He unbuckled her seatbelt, moved his seat back, and brought her over to his lap. She immediately curled into him, hiding her face in his neck as she sobbed. He stroked his hand up and down her back. "What's got my baby all upset, hm?" He cooed into her ear. 

She only shook her head and continued to cry. He let her calm down before gently pushing her off his lap as she clung to him,

"No!" She cried and clung tighter as he tried to loosen her grip around his waist. 

"Baby, you gotta let me drive," he whispered. 

"No, don't leave me!" She whined. 

He sighed but resituated himself as the driver, making sure he could see and that she was buckled safely, although he exercised extreme caution whenever she was in the car anyway.

After about two hours of driving, they finally arrived. He drove up the mountain to the secluded home, marveling at the pristine look. 

"We're here, my baby," he whispered and looked down. 

Faye didn't wake from her rest as he parked the car. He frowned at the tears streaked down her face, wondering what had caused the typically happy girl to become so upset. 

He quietly got out with her clung to him, grabbed their bags, and walked into the house. 

"Welcome home," he turned to the grave voice to see Lucifer sitting on the couch. 

"What are you still doing here?" Deimos rolled his eyes. 

"Figured I'd see the new couple into their home." 

Deimos set down their bags, hugging Faye closer to him. His eyes flashed red in a warning to Lucifer. 

"And what would you do if she was awake?" 

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