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FAYE dropped to the floor 

If this was some picture-perfect novel, he would have caught her and cradled her so gently in his arms. But it wasn't.  Instead, she smacked the ground on her hands and knees before leaning over and throwing up everything in her stomach. Unfortunately, she didn't have much anything left and after she had thrown up all of her food, she just began to dry-heave.

"Baby," Deimos ran over to her, grabbing the metal and pulling it out of the ground with his sheer strength. He gently grabbed her hair, pulling it out of her face. He picked her up, placing her on his lap as he rubbed her back. 

Faye finished and looked up at her Mate. "Hi," she whispered, grabbing his face. He sighed and hugged her tightly, breathing in her scent. 

"I missed you," Faye whispered, brushing her hand through his hair. She felt his neck and chest, the heat of his skin was radiating against his body. 

To be fair, his skin was red and his eyes were black. But she was completely soaked in dirt and grime so she knew she couldn't judge.

"My moon, my stars, my sun," he whispered. "I love you so much. I'm so sorry I could not find you sooner," he grabbed her cheeks, looking deeply into her eyes. 

Faye smiled and kissed his palm. "You're here now." Deimos brought her close once again in a tight hug, afraid to let go. 

"Boss, we've finished. You're clear," Lance stood in the shadows. Faye flinched, not expecting another person.

Deimos gently released her, standing up with her in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. He held her gently, one hand on the back of her head, pressing it into his neck to not see the carnage above and the other under her butt. 

Deimos nodded and began to climb the stairs. Bodies above were scattered, he gave his thanks to his team and moved outside. The house wasn't insanely far away from theirs, only a few towns over, but he chose to climb into the old truck parked in the driveway, turn it on, and drive away. 

Faye remained on his lap for the drive, her gentle breaths against his neck were reassurance. She had fallen asleep in his arms. He carried her inside the house, shutting the door behind him. Blue hopped over, curious to see Faye. 

"Here she is," he gently picked up Blue, laying the rabbit between their chests. Blue gently sniffed her chin, before closing his eyes, cuddled between the two. 

He walked into the bathroom and filled up the tub with water. He put in a bath bomb, watching the water turn a lilac purple. He gently grabbed Blue and set him on the rug. He then set down Faye who sleepily opened her eyes. 

"D-Deimos?" Deimos felt his heartbreak at her voice. 


She brushed her fingers over his cheek. "I love you," she whispered. 

Deimos kissed her small fingers. "I love you too, mio mondo (my world). Now, let's get you in the tub, hm?" 

Faye only nodded and let Deimos undress her before gently picking her up and placing her in the tub. "Join?" She looked at him with wide eyes. Deimos couldn't say no. 

He undressed, sliding in behind her and gently scrubbing the dirt off of her body. He drained the tub and refilled it three times for her, not wanting to sit in the dirty water. When he was happy with how clean she was, he drained the tub a final time before stepping out, drying himself off, grabbing a warm towel, and wrapping her up. He dried her off before redressing her in his sweatshirt and her shorts, placing fuzzy socks on her feet and detangling her hair before putting it in a braid behind her head. He grabbed a toothbrush and brushed her teeth as she leaned against him, slowly falling asleep. After applying her moisturizer and getting her all ready, he curled her up against his body and walked her to the bed.

"Let's get you to bed, honey." Faye let herself be tucked in. 

Deimos turned to turn off the light but Faye let out a soft cry. "N-No," she whispered.

Deimos nodded but felt his heart drip in pain. How could he let this happen to her?  For now, he had to focus on helping her trust him again. Deimos quickly brushed his teeth, standing in the eyesight of Faye to make sure she knew he was there, before slipping into bed next to her. 

"I-I was r-really s-scared," she whispered, placing her fingers against his chest. The bright red hue of his skin disappeared, leaving behind the olive skin she had come to love.

Deimos sighed and pulled her closer, tucking her into him with both arms around her body. "I'm sorry, baby. I should've been there," he placed his forehead on hers. 

She felt wetness on her cheeks, frowning. She wasn't crying? 

"I-I'm so sorry," Deimos quietly whispered, his tears falling down his face. "I'm so sorry," he kept apologizing. 

Faye wiped his tears and held his face in her hands. "Don't," she spoke sternly. "Don't apologize. This isn't your fault. None of this is your fault." 

Deimos only stared at her before leaning in and kissing her. The two were cradled in a gentle embrace, their lips muttering reassurances to each other. He poured his soul into the kiss, possessively devouring her. 

They separated and Faye blushed, hiding her face in his chest. Deimos chuckled, wiped his tears, and wrapped his arms around her back and head, pulling her into his chest. 



"Did you mean what you said, in the b-basement?" 

Deimos nodded his head. "Every word." He breathed out, pressing another kiss to her lips. "You're my everything." 

Faye nodded. "Good, 'cause you're my everything too." 

Deimos smiled. "I love you so much." 

Faye smiled, leaning to kiss him one last time before she closed her eyes. 

"I love you too, my forever Mate." 

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