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FAYE squealed excitedly as her mother was almost there. She had woken up early, much to the demise of Deimos who would've preferred to stay warm and cuddle. He found her in the kitchen, finishing up brownies and other baked goods. 

Now, Deimos held her tightly around her waist as she squealed and attempted to escape. He placed bruising kisses against her neck, pausing to blow against her skin every once in a while, making her giggle. 

"D-Deimos! Stop!" She cried, laughing and attempting to wiggle her way out. 

"Never!" He cried, lifting her and placing her on the counter, standing in between her legs. "Now," he turned serious. "You'll call me immediately if anything goes wrong, yes?"

Faye nodded and threw her arms around his head, hugging him tightly. "I'll miss you," she whispered. 

"I'll miss you too, baby," he placed a kiss against her exposed collarbone. 

The doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of their very special guest. 

"Mom!" Faye cried and jumped down, 

He quickly kissed her lips in a short and sweet kiss, before gently patting her bum. "Go, the muffins will get cold." 

I'd like to bite into a different type of muffin, one that's soft and squished and has a pretty pink nippl-

"Look! I baked for you!" Faye ran into the kitchen, pulling her mother along with her. 

"Baby, careful," Deimos warned, looking at Celine who seemed to be in discomfort. 

"Sorry, Mom," Faye pouted, letting go and kissing her cheek. 

"It's quite alright love, you're simply excited. Now, do I get a tour of the rest of the house?" 

"Yes!" Faye jumped up and down. Deimos was happy to see his Mate at peace and content. 

His heart felt...Warm

"I have to go, I'll see you in a few hours, okay?" Deimos snatched Faye away from her mother, squishing her body against his giant one. "Be good," he raised his eyebrows and pressed another kiss against her lips. 

Faye eagerly kissed back, holding on tightly to Deimos to not let him leave her. 

"Ahem," Celine coughed, getting the two lovers' attention. Faye and Deimos broke up, Faye had a bright blush on her cheeks. 

"'M sorry, Mama," Faye whispered. 

Celine laughed and brushed the hair out of her daughter's face. "Nothing wrong with that, just maybe not while you're mother is here, hm?" 

Faye nodded and blushed. 

"Call me if anything happens, alright?" Deimos leaned over and placed a kiss on Faye's forehead. 

"Bye!" Faye waved as he left out the front door. 

CELINE watched her daughter seemingly float from room to room, showing all of her favorite areas and hidden gems. She was amazed at how quickly Deimos found the house, so amazed it was suspicious. But she knew that Faye was safe and happy so she wasn't one to complain. 

"Sweetheart," Celine called out to Faye. 

"Yes, Mom?" 

Celine looked at her daughter with her big eyes looking so innocent at her, not caring about the darkness or knowing the truth about her Mate. 

"He's not pressuring you into anything, right?" Faye shook her head. Her mother frowned and brushed some hair away from her face. "Good, because I can tell how close you two have grown." 

Faye paused, cocking her head to the side and looking at her mother. "No, of course not." 

Celine nodded. "Good, I'm glad." She was glad that it wasn't a one-sided relationship. Of course, she knew Deimos would never do anything to intentionally put her daughter in harm, his Mate. 

Celine remained quiet throughout the rest of the tour, watching her daughter animatedly explain different places and things in the house. 

"-and this is where I kissed his thing!" 

Celine returned to reality, looking at her daughter. But Faye had moved on to the garden.

"Look at all the pretty flowers, Mama!" 

DEIMOS glared at the man in the chair. 

His father was on trial for crimes Deimos had no relation to. He hardly had a relationship with the old man. 

"Do you repent of your transgressions against the highest supreme Lucifer?" Lucifer was the god of Hell, sure. But that wasn't who the father was afraid of. He was afraid of his very son sitting on the benches glaring at him. 

"Never," the father never broke eye contact with Deimos. 

"Then you will be cast out only for the gods of heaven to look upon in shame." 

The demons roared, filling the sound with heinous screeches and horrid cheers. The trial was abrupt and ended and Deimos wanted nothing more than to get home to his Mate. He felt restless without her. 

"Deimos, wait!" Lucifer stopped him. "You will need to complete the banishment ceremony before we cast him out, you're his only next of kin." 

Deimos growled, mad that he would be chosen for such a thing. In typical demon fashion, when one is found charged with being cast out from the pits of Hell, the next of kin, either a partner or children, are forced to dishonor their family before they are removed. This is seen as the sharpest bite in the system, leaving Hell with nothing and no one attached. 

"He's not my goddamn father," Deimos growled and disappeared right before his eyes. 

"Sire, did he?" A voice appeared behind Lucifer. 

"No, he didn't say he would..." Lucifer sighed. 

FAYE was waiting patiently for Deimos. He said he would only be three hours and it was nearly time. 

"Mama, you'll come back, right? And visit again?" 

Celine brushed the hair back from her daughter's eyes. "Of course, my love." 

Faye nodded eagerly. Suddenly, Deimos walked out of the back of the house into the garden. 

"Look at my flower, surrounded by others like her," he cooed. 

"Deimos!" Faye sat up, running over and attaching herself to him, curling her legs around his waist and arms around his shoulders. 

"Hi, baby," Deimos curled his arms around her, pulling her closer to her. He placed a kiss against her temple as she hid her face in his neck.

Celine stood up, brushing off her pants. "Well, I'm going to head out. I'll see you later, love." 

Faye nodded and unwrapped from Deimos giving her mom a quick hug. "Bye, love you." 

When she left, Deimos picked her back up. "Now," he growled in her ear. "Time to give my Mate some loving." 

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