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FAYE woke up slowly, stretching out on the bed before reaching over and feeling the cool sheets left from her Mate's side. 

Deimos. She sat up, looking around, making sure she wasn't dreaming. She had been rescued. She calmed down once she saw the familiar bedroom she had grown to love. The door creaked open and soft footsteps rattled against the carpet. She watched as Deimos walked in, carrying a blanket in his arms. He noticed she was awake and walked over, leaning overtop of her settled figure. 

"Hi baby," he whispered. She leaned into his chest and took in his familiar smell. She was home. Safe. "How are you feeling?" He spoke quietly, making sure to keep her calm. He hardly slept last night, watching her carefully during each second to ensure she was safe. She was with him. 

"Better," she spoke into his shirt, muffled. He brushed a hand down her head and reached under her arms, lifting her into the air before settling her against his body as she wrapped her legs around his waist. 

"I'm so sorry," he whispered, holding her head close to his chest. "I'm so sorry," he kept repeating his apologies. 

Faye frowned and looked up at Deimos, his eyebrows were furrowed and he looked so exhausted. "It's n-not your f-fault," she whispered. 

Deimos shook his head. "No, I should've been there. I should've protected you. Found you faster." 

He walked over to the bathroom and gently set her on the counter, grabbing a cloth and warming it with water before wiping her eyes gently. 

Faye grabbed his wrist and held it. "N-No," she spoke. "It's n-not your f-fault." 

Deimos sighed and dropped his forehead against her own. "I love you," he whispered. "So much." 

Faye let out a tear. She was exhausted but she'd be okay. He was back. She was safe.

"I l-love you too," she pressed a kiss to his cheek. 

"God, I-, can I kiss you?" He asked, looking down at her. 

All she could do was nod. He leaned down and connected their lips, pushing all of his emotion into her lips. He was so exhausted and felt his entire weight fall once his lips touched her own. 

"I love you," he mumbled, smushing against her lips. 

Faye let out a soft giggle. Deimos pressed kisses up her cheeks, over her eyes, and on her nose. 

"I made breakfast," he said. Faye nodded and let him lead her down, encased hand in hand.

On the table were some pancakes, juice, eggs, and mixed greens. She smiled and leaned against his arm, relishing in his actions. 

"Thank you," she pressed a kiss to his arm. He held her tightly and pressed another kiss to her forehead. 

The two sat and ate in comfortable silence. Faye did her best to avert her eyes from the backyard, not wanting to reminisce on the very place where she was taken. 

"We should find a new place." Deimos broke the silence. 

Faye stared at him. 

"This one just-," he didn't know how to explain it. "Bad-," he stopped again. 

Faye nodded. "I want a smaller house. This one is," she waved her hand. "A bit flashy." 

Deimos chuckled and nodded. "Good, I'm glad we agree. We can start looking somewhere else, hm?" Faye nodded. 

The two finished their breakfast and Faye felt inspired to lay on the swinging bench they had on their porch. Deimos sat down with Faye leaning against him, her ear pressed against his chest. The two watched the birds fly around the yard and occasional squirrels chase after one another. Faye fidgeted with the twine she found, twirling it together.

"I'm so sorry, baby, I'm so sorry." He whispered, brushing her hair. 

Faye looked up at him and shook her head. "It'll be okay," she said. 

Deimos brushed a hand across her cheek. "No, I shouldn't have let you-," he paused again. He didn't know what to say, or how to say it. 

"I'll be okay," she spoke. "You're here with me, right?" 

Deimos laced their fingers together. "I'm forever here." 

Faye grabbed his other hand and slid the twine ring on his finger. "Is this-," he looked down at her. 

Her eyes sparkled in question. "I love you," she whispered. 

Deimos broke into a huge grin and pressed his lips to hers. "I always thought I'd be the one to ask you," he laughed. 

Faye giggled and watched as he twirled the makeshift ring around his finger. "Here," she handed him some twine as he was able to weave a smaller version of his ring and slid it onto her finger. 

"There," she looked down at their hands. 

Deimos smiled and leaned down, pressing another kiss to her lips. "Screw the priests," he said against her lips. Faye gasped and smacked his chest. He laughed and pressed another kiss to her lips before pressing a final one to her temple. "All I need is you." 

Faye sighed and leaned against him again, hearing the thump of his heartbeat and feeling the woven ring on his finger scraping her skin. She was ready for the new life, wherever that was she didn't care, she just needed him there. 

All I need is you. My forever.  My Mate. 

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