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DEIMOS watched his Mate sleep, peacefully. 

After fighting with Celine about why it's not wrong to storm into the hall, grab that woman by her hair, and rip out her throat, Deimos decided to remain with his Mate in her time of need. Though he still wanted to do the first. 

"Hm," Faye groaned and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, Deimos smiling softly at his small girl curled beside him. 

"Morning, baby," he leaned down and pressed a kiss between her furrowed eyebrows. 

Blinking her eyes to slowly get accustomed to the bright morning sun, Faye turned towards her Mate as a source of heat. 

"Morning," she mumbled, throwing an arm over his chest and pulling herself closer. 

"Are you hungry, honey?" He asked, sitting up and pulling her up with him.  Faye only kept her eyes closed and continued to lay plaint like a doll, letting him wrap her body around his.  "Alright, c'mon now, you can't be sleeping, huh?" He asked, poking at her cheeks, and pulling open an eyelid. 

But Faye, even though she subtly smiled, remained unaffected. 

"Well, I guess I'll have the vanilla pumpkin bread alone," he trailed over, setting her down at his side. 

"No! WAIT!" Faye jumped up, stumbling out of the bed and running after Deimos. 

"Woah, calm down baby, I'm just joking," he teased, poking her nose. "C'mon, let's get you washed up then we can go eat, hm?" 

Faye followed him into the bathroom with the great clawfoot tub. Deimos began to run the water, making sure it was the right temperature before adding in some of the scents and bubbles he knew she liked. He made a mental note to make sure to buy some of the sweet add-ins when they got back home to appease his baby. 

Anything, for his baby. 

"It's all ready, in you go," he motioned to her. 

"Deimos," she whined, wanting him not to watch her undress. 

"Is it so wrong of me to see my Mate's beautiful pure body?" He growled, walking towards her. Gently pulling at the thin strap on her sleep gown, sliding it down her arm. Placing a bruising kiss on her shoulder, trailing them up to her ear. 

Faye moaned and grabbed the front of Deimos' chain hanging around his neck, as he wasn't wearing a shirt for her to hold onto. Separating from her neck, he stared at the bruising marks beginning to form. 

"Perfect," he growled his cock hardening at the sight of her mark. She whined and looked toward the inviting water.  He let go of her, turning his back to give her privacy while she undressed. When he heard the successful splashing of her in the water, he turned back around. 

Faye stared up at her massive Mate, hidden below the bubbles and pure scent of lavender and eucalyptus. Deimos shed his pants, not wearing anything underneath them, and began to walk towards Faye, completely nude.  

"Ah! W-What-," Faye slapped her hands over her eyes, looking away. 

"I want to join you, this bath is far too big for only you," he stepped in the water.

"B-But," Faye blushed, looking at a very naked Deimos now fully submerged in the water.

"C'mere, little one," Deimos gently pulled her over to him, spreading his legs so she sat in between. 

"But, your t-thing is touching me," Faye whispered, looking at the bubbles, not daring to meet his eyes. 

Deimos laughed and tilted her head up. Leaning down, he sealed their lips in a sweet kiss, grabbing her jaw and pulling her closer. Moaning into the kiss, Faye climbed onto his lap, pulling him down closer. 

Deimos separated, brushing his hands over her sides, trailing them up towards her breasts. Running his thumbs over her hardened peaks, he continued kissing down her neck, finding her sensitive spot under her jaw and sucking. Faye whined, moving her hips up and down on him in the water. 

"Shh, my little baby," trailing a hand down below the water, he ran it over her hip before moving further down. Finding her clit, he began to rub his thumb over it in circles, making Faye gasp and hold onto him tighter.  Slipping his finger down to her entrance, he gently pushed a finger into her. "Shh," he shushed her whining, kissing her to quiet her down. 

"P-Please, Deimos," she whined, not knowing what she wanted. 

"I'm going to give you one more, I need to stretch you out, hm?" 

Faye nodded eagerly. Rubbing his thumb over her clit, he pushed in another finger, making her gasp and clench tightly around him. Thrusting them in and out, slightly inhibited by the water, he kept up his pace. 

"P-Please, m-more, more," Faye whimpered, Deimos continuing his assault.

"My good girl, hm? Look at you, taking my fingers so well, you're almost ready for my big cock, hm?" 

Faye whined, writhing away from his touch. 

"Nu-uh, you're going to take what I give you. Are you going to come for me? Hm?" 

With a gasp, Faye exploded on his fingers, gasping for breath. 

"There we go, good girl," Deimos spoke, pressing a final kiss against her temple. He removed his fingers from her and cleaned them off in the water before turning her around so that her back was against his chest. 

Grabbing some shampoo, he began to lather her hair. He gently rinsed out her long hair before conditioning and washing the rest of her body. He groaned when she turned around to wash his hair, her nails gently scraping through his short, black hair. 

"Thank you, truly," he kissed her palm pressing against his cheek, making her blush red. "Look at you, la mia dea perfetta (my perfect goddess)." 

"W- What language is that?" Faye asked, sitting on the counter wrapped in a towel that was so carefully draped over her body by her gentle Mate. 

"Italian, my love," Deimos was shaving in the mirror. 

"How'd you learn Italian?" 

Deimos rinsed his face of cream before turning to tower over his Mate. 

"I spent many years wandering the Earth, looking for my perfect Mate. In that time, I picked up a few things here and there." 

"How long were you here?" 

Deimos raised an eyebrow. "A few thousand years before you came along, my bug." 

Faye gasped in surprise. "You're, old!" 

Deimos growled and leaned in, pressing ticklish kisses against her naked body. "Careful," he teased. "This old man can still make you sore." Faye blushed and giggled. 

"Alright, let's get you dressed, get some food in that tummy, and then return home, how about that?" Deimos picked her up, walking her towards the closet. 

"Yes! Oh, I can't wait to see B-Blue, and go back to work, oh and see our garden and-," Faye trailed off on her list of exciting activities but throughout it all, Deimos was simply watching his Mate.  His perfect Mate. In her eternal beauty. It didn't matter what she considered home. Because for him, she was always home. 

His home. 

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