The MadMan

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So this has been sitting in my vault for a little over 2 months, I have prewritten up to chapter five and I'm working on chapter six so it should be updated pretty regularly.

Updates every 7-10 days (mainly because I hate editing XD)

"Brother!", Blue eyes looked in the distance to see a particular black-haired girl running in his direction, waving. It was his younger sister, Alluka. "What are you up to?", she asked blue eyes brimming with curiosity. He was currently in the library, scanning the bookshelves for a certain book in particular.

"I'm looking for the cookbooks", Killua said as he navigated through the towers filled to the brim with books. "Ahh there they are", he exclaimed, having been in the large room searching for a good minute. He pulled out several books flipping through pages, not finding what he was looking for he would put back.

"Brother you've never been one to cook", Alluka placed her hands on her hips. "What's this about?", she asked sternly. Killua turned back to look at her but hesitated to come up with an answer. "Is this about what that tutor said?". A tutor a couple of months ago had told Killua that he shouldn't be sitting in classes but he should be learning domestic skills being an omega he wouldn't be used for much of anything else. Of course, the tutor was fired, but his words still stuck.

"No", it was somewhat of a lie but not completely, "I wanted to try to make chocolate". He had grown tired of waiting for his siblings or parents to bring him from the town, it would be easier to learn to make it himself and then the added benefit of gaining some cooking skills. Alluka wasn't exactly buying the excuse but she didn't want to pry.

"I'll help you look", she began to do the same flipping through books technique, being that most of them didn't have covers. "I found something", it was a dessert book with a recipe for chocolate cake. "Will this work?", small hands held the open book in the direction of her older brother. He skimmed the page, before putting the book in his hand back onto the shelves.

"Yes, that'll work". They walked across the large to the exit, the library was easily one of the largest rooms in the castle, Killua remembered a lot of his earlier years playing hide and seek with his siblings in the room. Sometimes he would be hidden so well that he could read a whole book waiting to be found.
He reached out a hand to open the door, but it flung open from the other side.

"Killua, how would I know you would be in the library?", his mother had started. "I told you about spending so much time locked up in this room", it wasn't like he could do or go much of anywhere else. He was confined to the castle, he only left when the royal family was invited to a neighboring kingdom, and that was about 10 years ago, he was 17 now.
"Mother there is nothing else for him to do", Alluka had peeked from her brother to speak.

"Well there are many other things around the castle to do", his mother crossed her arms. "Tending to the garden, learning to knit, and -", she cut herself noticing everything she said were customs of omegas. "I just don't want you to go mad from being stuck in this room", she didn't apologize but it was better than continuing.

"I'll go mad being stuck in the castle", he pointed out. The queen didn't respond, she just frowned and turned around leaving, losing the battle against her 3rd son.

Alluka watched the exchange, it broke her heart to see the way her brother was treated just for his second gender, and he was royalty; she only imagined how commoner omegas were treated. "Hey", she tapped the slender shoulder of her brother. "Let's sneak out", she whispered. Killua turned to face his sister, his mouth was opened in shock. "Just once", she grinned. Their father and grandfather were away for the day on business, it would be fairly easy to sneak out undetected.

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