The Conversations

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Okay okay!! You know how I told y'all this chapter would be better, it's not and I apologize XD
But but it has one of my favorite scenes

"And why am I just finding out about this?", Silva was furious that his youngest two children hadn't immediately told him the information that Killua had gone into heat in the company of the visitor. It was almost embarrassing to think someone knew about the happenings in his kingdom more than he. "Anything could've happened"

"But it didn't", Alluka huffed crossing her arms at her chest, her father scolding her for talking back. As soon as she and Kalluto had caught a whiff of the fragrance in the air, they were never too far away from the two for anything to occur. While it was in the Alpha's king instinct to lead a helping hand to the omega, it was in the siblings to guard and protect him. Looking over to Kalluto who seemed to know exactly what she was thinking, nodded in agreement.

Cold blue eyes looked at his only possible heirs, taking a bit of pride in them seeing that they had grown very well, ready to defend their older brother at the drop of a hat. There was no reason to continue his rant on the two, "Very well", he spoke calmly, eyes scanning between them. The weight lifting from the room, after realizing his anger was misplaced. Scolding the children for something that no one could predict or stop for that matter.  He had spent the whole omega's life telling him what and how to do, controlling every bit of it but between his heat and King Gon coming to claim him. It was time to face it that Killua was longer in his grip.

Two pairs of eyes lay on the long white-haired man seemingly waiting on him to say something. It was no use for him to keep it hidden, the teens knew about much-classified information so the news wasn't too much for them to handle, "Your brother will be not here for much longer", Silva admitted.

It took Alluka a moment to catch on to what the King was saying but once she did, she was frozen in a state of shock. Her father had truly gone ahead with the treaty and married off her brother, her mouth practically dropping to the floor while Kalluto's face did much change, face straight and eyes low unimpressed by anything that had just been saying. About to reach over and shake her younger brother making sure he had received the same news, she was halted by him speaking, "When will we tell Kil?" Alluka was actually a bit thrown off knowing that the young prince was usually all aboard about withholding stuff from their older brother.

Their father was noticeably taken back as well, giving him half a mind to confess everything to his omegan son, but not just yet, "We'll tell him soon enough". Neither of them happy with the answer yet trusting that the king would tell Killua pretty soon, they decided not to speak up just nodding and humming in agreement. "And don't tell your mother", the two quickly agreed to that. The woman was very dramatic and neither one of them knew how to calm her down even though Kalluto was the closest, but even if he announced the news she wouldn't receive it too well. With everything out on the table, Silva dismissed the teens to their own devices for the time being.

The two left the room with a heavier weight on their shoulders than they had while being scolded. Not because they were told to keep the information secret, it wouldn't be the first time but mainly because everything was so surreal. "Killua's really married off", Alluka broke the silence feeling like a little part of her heart was going to be leaving her soon.

"Yea", was the only reply she got, but she could tell that Kalluto wasn't the biggest fan of the decision either. They just sat on the floor and watched as the sky neither one of them acknowledged how long they had been there only noticing after the dull grey went to a muted orange.

"Well", Kalluto let out a sigh, "I'm going to be bed", looking back to see that his older sister didn't move, he called out to her.

"I'll be there in a second", she said, eyes not leaving the window. Taking the answer, Kalluto walked away leaving her where she sat.

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