The Morning

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Super Spooky Day!!

Phase 3 (kinda)

"You look horrible", it had been five days since Chrollo and his people had left the premises, everything was supposed to be looking up instead it turned into a vicious struggle that eventually ended with the two teens locked in a room unbothered for the past couple of days.

Ging had walked into the nook, his sister sitting at the table a mug of what he assumed to be coffee in her grasps. She had dark purple bags underneath her eyes, Mito had tried to conduct the castle as normally, the place was running smoothly but anyone could tell the advisor was going through it. Her appearance was still as neat and poise as always but her actions weren't; she was never in one place for too long, on go is what some would call it, she zoned out incredibly easy and she seemed to be nervous about simple things. "I can't help but think", the older man took a seat across from her, "this is all your fault".

They hadn't spoken since that night and this is what was said, rather dignifying him with a response Mito lifted her mug from its position on the sturdy surface, bringing it to her lips to take one last sip. "You're not all that responsib-", lowering his guard, allowing an opening for him to douse in warm dark liquid.

"My hand slipped", no apology in that statement, there wasn't a need, he deserved it. Yes, it was a bit of negligence on her part and she could admit that but for her own sibling to rub her nose in it was another story. She was at her limit at this point, she had held it together but now she was breaking apart. Pushing back a few stray strands of hair, she spoke again, "I'm anxious". Sounded weird saying those words aloud but it was true, in theory, she knew what happened and how long the process could take but sitting around and waiting to hear any sounds of life behind those closed doors was nerve-racking.

"That's the reason you splashed coffee on me?", using a nearby napkin to pat his face dry, thankfully he wasn't sticky, she didn't use sweetener. Narrowing her eyes, a hand raised the mug showing she had more than an energizing drink to send in his direction. Taking the hint, Ging changed back to the subject at hand, "they're fine", he would only be worried if it was quick.

Only a hum was given in the response, the younger individual wasn't sure whether to believe him or not; he was an alpha so he would most likely know before she but he also could be deceptive so it made it difficult to trust him. Seeing his baby sister's distress hopefully gave him a heart at least tentatively, she wanted something to put her at ease, and the next couple of words delivered, "I wouldn't worry for another day or two", Mito knew he took everything nonchalantly but his tone gave her clear indication that he wasn't in the slightest bothered.

Opening her mouth to speak, nothing could escape her lips before the oh-so-reliable Palm came walking into the room at a speedy pace. One could tell she had come to give some important information but her focus quickly shifted to her superior. "Lady Mito, are you alright?", she stood next to the chair the ginger sat in, bending over somewhat to get a better look at the advisor's face. "Maybe I should reschedule today's meeting", she suggested. Her boss seldomly held secrets from her -the brunette woman was Mito's second-hand man as some might say- therefore she knew about the whole incident from a couple of nights ago and how they were affecting the aunt of the king. Of course, there were important things that needed to be done and in the king's absence, his first advisor was the one to take care of things so Mito was usually stretched quite thin but lately, she had been even more so, and her emotional state wasn't easing the load.

Patting the young woman's shoulder, Mito flashed a smile, "I'm fine", she always appreciated the concern of her apprentice, "you shouldn't be worried about me". Palm fixed her face to show a more neutral expression. Seeing that the older beta woman asked, "Has anything changed with the king's room?", earning a head shake, Mito let out a dreadful sigh. Just as she was about to go on a rant, she caught a glimpse of an all too familiar golden ponytail. Then the words voiced earlier hit her, "meeting?", The last time she checked the next meeting was almost a week away, "there is no meeting today", a rush of adrenaline ran through her veins, getting her to jump up to her seat when she noticed the long smoky grey stranded that trailed in afterward.

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