Athiarahmans questions and dares

546 11 7

Ok so first soz for the long wait like I said yesterday my mum took my phone

Me: this question is for veteran, who is your crush?

Veteran: grea-

Me: not greaser, he's not coming back

Veteran: NOOOOO GREASER!! Well I guess if not greaser then it might be *whispers* player

Me: what? I didn't hear you

Veteran: *quietly* player

Me: I still didn't hear you

Veteran: PLAYER!

Player: yeah babe?

Me: *wheeze*
Me: ok this one is for mother

Me: are you a fangirl of the gentlecheese?

Mother: well I do like that idea that they made up and are good friends now

Me: no I mean-
as in-
not as friends

Mother:....ohhh ok yes, yes I am I do like that ship

Me: good, now try and take a picture of their cutest moment together

Mother: okie dokie just take care of my kids while I'm away


Mother: *walks away*

Two hours later

Mother: *comes back with two pictures*

Me: ok let's see

Picture number one:

*The gentleman and mr cheese watching a movie together, mr cheese burying his head in the gentleman's chest and the gentleman kissing the top of mr cheeses head*

Me: *silently fangirling*

Me: ok now let's look at the second picture

Second pic:

*the gentleman asleep on mr cheeses shoulder in electrical*

Me: awwwwww

Ok that's all for now have a good day my marshmallows
242 words

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