Sareirias dare

217 4 11

The gentleman: oh minecraft, haven't played this in a long time

Mr egg: so I downloaded a map called 2047 future dropper

Mr cheese: can we play it?

Mr egg: why did I download it if we can't play it?

Mr cheese: oh yeah

*they load into the game*

Mr egg: im guessing we follow the arrows

Mr cheese: there's a lever

Mr egg: *in the dip* WAIT DONT PULL IT-

Mr cheese: *pulls it*

Mr egg: *falls, dies and respawns*

Mr cheese: I was going to do it before you told me not to!

The gentleman: this time let's do it when everyone is ready

All of them: *pull the lever*

Mr cheese: *does it flawlessly*

Mr egg: *does it really good*

The gentleman: *barely misses all of them but still survived*

Mr cheese: that was the first level how did you almost not survive?

The gentleman: I told you I haven't played this game in ages

Mr egg: well we still have a lot more to go!

*after many hours of screaming, dying and falling later*

The gentleman: I've died like twenty times

Mr cheese: I've died only four times

Mr egg: I've died I think around seven

The gentleman: how-

205 words

Dares for the among us logic crew *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now