Athirahmans questions and dares

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Ok so first of I don't know why I came to this so late I'm so sorry

And second these are the people in this lobby:
Mr cheese
The gentleman

Me: so what's the funniest thing that you've ever done

Player: well once I lagged so hard that juice came flying out of my nose

Veteran: i accidentally drank out of players bottle because we had the same one

Player: that's not funny that's gross

Captain: I don't know why but player came up to me once holding a marshmallow and said 'I don't see a difference'

Player: oh yeah I remember that

Mr cheese: I left my cheese in the gentleman's car and it melted all over the dashboard, and then toto ate it

The gentleman: mr cheese! That was positively dastard of you

Mr cheese: oopsies

The gentleman: hm, yes, well, mr cheese gave me a dress that I had to wear

Me cheese: it was so sparkly

Mother: my kids and I all went on a rollercoaster.
It had a loop da loop
And a large dip
And the rails were rusty

Timmy: mummy was screaming loud

Mother: yes Timmy
Yes I was

Me: And what's the most embarrassing moment of your life

Player: well me never winning is embarrassing

Veteran:I got drunk and did something-

Player: we promised not to talk about that

Veteran: yeah, of course

Captain: I woke up and thought I was dreaming, so went went outside and just started screaming. I wasn't dreaming. 

Mr cheese: before i me and the gentleman we're together I kept on blushing really hard if he was whith in a mile of me

The gentleman: I always wondered why you were like that

The gentleman: anyways
After mr cheese gave me the dress he told me to go out in public and be as 'girly' as possible


The gentleman:...
Player: I have no idea how to play the trombone

Me: that just makes it better

Player: I guess your right

Player: *follows blue and tries to play the trombone*

Blue: red- I mean player, what are you doing?

Player: *still playing it*

Blue: uhh do you want me to help you?

Player: *playing*

Blue: ok whatever

Two hours later


player: *still playing*


And that's all for now

402 words

Dares for the among us logic crew *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now