Griffinlovers88 dares

183 5 3

Dare: swap hats and colors for a whole Match

Player and veteran swap

Mr cheese and the gentleman swap

Stoner and captain swap

Mother and mr egg swap

Gnome and engineer swap

Player: I'm a king!

Veteran: dude, when was the last time you washed this beanie, it absolutely stinks

Player: I don't wash it

Mr cheese: oooh I'm so fancy

The gentleman: please don't spill anything on my hats, I paid good money for those

Mr cheese: and you better not let Charlie eat my cheese, all the poor lost souls of the past ones

The gentleman: right....

Gnome: I have glasses now!

Gnome: woah when I put them on it goes so strange

Engineer: Don't wear them too long your vision might go strange

Gnome: oh whatever

Engineer: why is the lime so bright?

Engineer: and I can't even see anything

Captain: EGH your suit stinks stoner, and why are the boots so crunchy

Stoner: I think I have some dried up weed at the bottom

Stoner: and I keep forgetting to wash it, I always tell myself I'm going to do it tomorrow but I forget

Captain: we are going to have to talk after this

Stoner: ...why isn't it starting- wait I'm the captain now

Stoner: *starts* EVERYONE SCATTER

Captain: *is dying from the scent*

Stoner: come on cap, let's go

Mr cheese: *imposter*


Mr cheese: hey player, watch this

Mr cheese: *kills gnome in front of engineer*

Engineer: BABE! NO!

engineer: *reports the body*

Engineer: somebody killed gnome right in front of me but I couldn't see who, I don't have my glasses

Mr cheese: let's vote out engineer

Player: yea he's sus

Engineer was not the imposter
Two imposters remain

Mr cheese: oh well


captain: that's still my thing

Stoner: just, cmon

Captain: we really need to wash your suit ou-

Stoner: cap you ok?

Captain: *dead*

Stoner: aww, dude not cool

Player: *kills stoner*

Mr cheese: wow, you might actually be getting good at this game

Mother: OH MY GOD!

mother: *reports the bodies*

Mother: I saw veteran kill captain!

Veteran: WHAT? no I didn't, I was doing card swipe the whole time

Veteran was not the imposter
Two imposters remain

Mother:...oh! We're doing that thing, so uh, sorry

Mother was not the imposter
Two imposters remain

Mr cheese,player

Mr egg: i didn't even get to do anything because the round was so quick!

Mother: sorry everyone, but hey! Player won!

Player: veteran, can I keep the crown?

Dare: mr cheese, propose to the gentleman in front of everyone (I fell of my chair when I read the comment)

Mr cheese: *blushing hard*

The gentleman: is something bothering you?

Mr cheese: n-no

The gentleman: ok then, if something is then tell me

Mr cheese: ok

Veteran and player from behind the door: *giving thumbs up*

Mr cheese: ok..

The gentleman: ?

Mr cheese: the gentleman, can I ask you something?

The gentleman: of corse

Mr cheese: I love you very much and, you know that

The gentleman: *scared he's going to get dumped*

Mr cheese: but I think our relationship can go a bit further than that..

Mr cheese: will you marry me?

The gentleman: YES YES YES!

mr cheese and the gentleman: *kiss*

The gentleman: at least nobody heard that

Literally everyone in the lobby: *comes out from behind the door*

The gentleman: *blushes really hard*


mr cheese: I wuv you

The gentleman: I love you too


600 words

Dares for the among us logic crew *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now